Author Topic: Reparations are just a way to weaponize guilt  (Read 216 times)

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Reparations are just a way to weaponize guilt
« on: April 09, 2019, 12:27:40 pm »
April 9, 2019
Reparations are just a way to weaponize guilt
By Sam Younnokis

If paying reparations would buy racial amity, then the descendants of slaves would be complaining only because they didn't receive a cut of their ancestors' sale price.  Reparations can't change the past.

Wouldn't acceptance of money by blacks (however the law might qualify them for the benefits) amount to approving of the sale of their ancestors, as long as they personally profit?  Again, this doesn't change the morality of slavery, though it might be argued to address the economic wrong, but at the cost of involving the current generation in approving it.  Accepting payment would be like agreeing that the slavery, or the sale of a human being (legal at the time), wasn't a moral wrong, but there was an economic wrong in not providing some portion of the money for the slaves and their potential descendants.

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Re: Reparations are just a way to weaponize guilt
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2019, 12:31:49 pm »
I spent almost 3 decades teaching emotionally disturbed teenagers.  One of the most destructive of the mental problems was they felt responsible (guilt) for things that they had no part in, like being abused by a relative.  That was once considered mentally unhealthy but it wouldn't be surprising to see the DSM change so that guilt becomes the accepted feeling to help liberals with their "reparations". 88kleenix

Offline goatprairie

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Re: Reparations are just a way to weaponize guilt
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2019, 12:46:09 pm »
Reparations can only apply to people who had bad things done to them, not their descendants. Unless a contract for money was involved, no living person can sue for something where there was no contract. Japanes-Americans stripped of their property and incarcerated BY DEMOCRATS!!! during WWII deserved reparations from personal property illegally taken from them.
If you can reward people for something bad done to their ancestors, where does it stop? Can I demand reparations from Italy for things done to my Slavic ancestors two thousand years ago by the Romans? Should descendants of the Irish who starved during the potato famine get reparations from the British? There are too many instances of similar injustices done to some people by other people over the millennias to count.
And we're still left with the fact that American blacks are far better off in America than in Africa. Does anybody believe Oprah Winfrey  or the evergrowing numbers of black billionaires and multimillionaires would have obtained their riches back in Africa?
Add to that the trillions of dollars already spent on numerous black families who sit around and not work while cranking out babies one after the other i.e welfare while black crime also totals in the billions annually, and you've got a demand that deserves to be harshly laughed down.
So when living blacks ask if they're supposed to be glad they were slaves,  tell them yes, they're damn lucky they were sent over the waves.
Many non-black Americans came from countries where their ancestors were cruelly oppressed.  Few of them want to go back. 
One other thing black Americans.... please quit whining and begging.....I've run out of sympathy.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 12:57:49 pm by goatprairie »