Author Topic: Bjorn Lomborg: 95% Fewer Climate-Related Deaths Over Last 100 Years  (Read 582 times)

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Bjorn Lomborg: 95% Fewer Climate-Related Deaths Over Last 100 Years
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date April 2, 2019

Bjorn Lomborg, author of Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming, joined FNC's Tucker Carlson Monday night to talk about how many people really die from climate-related disasters in 2019 compared to how many did in 1919.

    TUCKER CARLSON: I keep hearing from watching television in this country that many people are dying of climate change in the United States. Is it a leading cause of death here?

    BJORN LOMBERG: No, by no means and, look, we actually have pretty good data for how many people die from weather-related disasters, so climate-related disasters, and the truth is over the last 100 years it's dropped dramatically. Every year in the 1920s, we estimate about half a million people died around the world. Now, we quadrupled the population and, yet, the number has dropped like a stone. It's 95% reduced. We are now down to about 20,000 people that die every year. This is not because of global warming. This is simply because getting richer means you stop being in trouble when the weather is bad.