Author Topic: Congressional Black Caucus Blasts Trump’s “Silence” on White Nationalism, Ignores Its Own Complicity  (Read 227 times)

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Congressional Black Caucus Blasts Trump’s “Silence” on White Nationalism, Ignores Its Own Complicity in Rise of Anti-Semitism
Posted by Stacey Matthews      Sunday, March 31, 2019 at 10:00am
In the aftermath of the national outrage over the charges against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett being dropped, President Trump on Thursday called for a federal investigation into the case.

The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) took issue with Trump’s call, and Chairwoman Karen Bass (D-CA) blasted him in a statement:

    “Yesterday, President Trump bizarrely called for a federal investigation into actor Jussie Smollett’s case instead of focusing on his Administration’s attempt to strip Americans of their health care,” said Chairwoman Bass. “The President’s silence on the rise of white nationalism across the country only signals his complicity. Where was the President’s call for an investigation when white nationalists marched across the campus of the University of Virginia resulting in an anti-racist demonstrator losing her life? Instead of focusing on Jussie’s case, the President should be demanding that his Attorney General release the full Mueller report to the American people. But in true Trump fashion, the President is attempting to distract and divide instead of demonstrating transparent and ethical leadership.”

Let’s address the most explosive and patently false parts of this statement, shall we?