Author Topic: Free Brigitte Bardot! The fearless French cultural icon speaks for millions of Europeans.  (Read 326 times)

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Free Brigitte Bardot!
The fearless French cultural icon speaks for millions of Europeans.
March 27, 2019
Mark Tapson
In America we are accustomed to celebrities publicly virtue-signaling their conformist Progressive contempt for flyover Americans and spewing their profane hatred of President Trump in interviews and social media. They have every right to do this, and without fear of government suppression, because the United States is (for now) blessed with a degree of freedom of speech found nowhere else in the world. Meanwhile in Europe, one of the most celebrated entertainment icons in France’s history has been repeatedly criminalized and fined for speaking her mind.

Breitbart News reports that Brigitte Bardot, former sizzling sex symbol and current fierce animal rights activist, is being charged – yet again – with hate speech and incitement to racial hatred, this time after condemning the religious practices of some inhabitants of the French-ruled island of Réunion near Madagascar in the Indian Ocean.