Author Topic: 'Slash-and-burn': Bernie Sanders' 2020 'attack dogs' ready for internal party warfare  (Read 710 times)

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'Slash-and-burn': Bernie Sanders' 2020 'attack dogs' ready for internal party warfare
James Varney March 28, 2019

Sen. Bernard Sanders has amassed a presidential campaign team of pit bulls skilled in the art of internal party warfare — and in many cases is still grinding axes over the way he was treated by the Democratic Party in his 2016 run for the White House.

Three members of his team didn’t even back Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, and instead supported the Green Party in the general election.

Others have made a career of ripping the very people Mr. Sanders now faces in the 2020 Democratic primaries.

Among those is David Sirota, his senior adviser and speechwriter who has earned a reputation for combativeness online. He has deleted 20,000 of his tweets, many of them harsh attacks on other Democrats, according to Politico.

Mr. Sirota and the other political warriors seem to belie the image the septuagenarian socialist enjoys among the voting public.

“These people are attack dogs and make it look like Bernie’s planning on a slash-and-burn campaign,” said one longtime Democratic operative with deep presidential campaign experience. “Either Bernie’s naive, which I don’t think he is, or it’s a little bit of a recognition I’m going to say one thing and do the complete opposite.”

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For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Offline jafo2010

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After what the DNC did to Bernie last time, he plans to take no prisoners on the path to the nomination.  I can't say I blame him.

In the end, what he does will not matter.  HRC jumps in, and with her billions to spend, cleans the whole clown car right off the stage to an easy victory.

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After what the DNC did to Bernie last time, he plans to take no prisoners on the path to the nomination.  I can't say I blame him.

In the end, what he does will not matter.  HRC jumps in, and with her billions to spend, cleans the whole clown car right off the stage to an easy victory.

What makes you think that Clinton is going to be able to jump in??  During her last campaign she was late to her rallies, couldn't draw large crowds and she obviously had some 'health issues'.  She's not getting any younger.  She not only lost the presidency but she lost some of her financial backing.  This would be her 3rd run for president; I don't see her getting the financial backing that she once had, nor the support from her own party.  Her career is over; she's yesterday's DEM candidate. 
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What makes you think that Clinton is going to be able to jump in??  During her last campaign she was late to her rallies, couldn't draw large crowds and she obviously had some 'health issues'.  She's not getting any younger.  She not only lost the presidency but she lost some of her financial backing.  This would be her 3rd run for president; I don't see her getting the financial backing that she once had, nor the support from her own party.  Her career is over; she's yesterday's DEM candidate.

She's the last war.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Offline jafo2010

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Fact is she has been running for 1.5 years.  She just hasn't declared yet.

Bear in mind, the more candidates running, the better for her.  She is already sitting on more money than the rest combined will raise.  She has a solid 35% base that will support her.  No one else will gets numbers like that.  Bernie will do well for awhile, getting maybe upwards of 15%, but he will not be able to catch her once she has won x number of primaries, and wait for the herd to dwindle.  Remember, he was the only opposition against HRC last time.  O'Malley did not stick around long at all.  This time, the never Clinton vote will be spread between 20 folks.  Bernie does well getting 10-15%, but never comes close to HRC until it is too late.

Offline jmyrlefuller

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She is already sitting on more money than the rest combined will raise.  She has a solid 35% base that will support her.
Neither of these things are true.
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Are the allegations by Bernie supporter Flores (the Nevada woman) the first shot?
Mike Allen
Apr 2, 2019
2020 presidential election: Joe Biden advisers smell a conspiracy

Joe Biden advisers believe coverage of allegations of inappropriate behavior is being stoked by rival Democrats — a dynamic that could actually fire up the vice president at a time when others see success as increasingly improbable.

Why it matters: Several around Biden think advisers to Bernie Sanders are at least partly behind the anti-Biden campaign. One prominent backer thinks Biden will run, and "is ready to kill Bernie."  ...

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 Sic em,Bern!

BTW,I have heard rumors that the Hilderbeast has been talking trash about your mama,and that Bubba has been trying to lift her skirts.

Just saying......
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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What makes you think that Clinton is going to be able to jump in??  During her last campaign she was late to her rallies, couldn't draw large crowds and she obviously had some 'health issues'.  She's not getting any younger.  She not only lost the presidency but she lost some of her financial backing.  This would be her 3rd run for president; I don't see her getting the financial backing that she once had, nor the support from her own party.  Her career is over; she's yesterday's DEM candidate.


I'm with you on this one,and for the life of me can't understand why so many people think that sick,evil old bitch will be able to campaign. Or that any of the A List political operatives will back her.

Now.....,if she has spent the last few years getting her spawn a safe congressional seat and building up a network to back her,the Clintons might still be dangerous. As it is,if she were to start campaigning,it wouldn't be long before her  handlers would have to start rolling her out on stage strapped to a handtruck,like some sort of female Hannibal Lecter.

She IS still dangerous behind the scenes because of her blackmail library,but not even someone as evil as her can manage to blackmail the voting public.

As for Bernie,I don't see him as pulling in many votes outside of places like Greenwich Village,where the wealthy trust-fund left lives. VERY loud and well-connected politically,but there are only enough of them to pull off city elections.

The ones you need to worry about start with Terrible Terry McAuliffe.  He is fully as evil as Bubbette! was in her prime,and MUCH smarter and MUCH more personable when he needs to be.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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I'm sad to say it but Bernie is a walking stereotype. He's a rich Jew who wants to control what people do(Socialism). He's a custom-made boogeyman for Radical Muslims and White and Black Nationalists. He was a novelty in the last election but I think that has worn off.
I can't help but think that Robert Frances is the media favorite but he can only beat Trump if there is a Republican 3rd party candidate. I'd love to see the Democrats screw Bernie again and he goes 3rd party.
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