Author Topic: ‘Welcome to Neo-Stalinism’: Google promptly vanishes Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Moore from enviro gr  (Read 596 times)

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‘Welcome to Neo-Stalinism’: Google promptly vanishes Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Moore from enviro group’s history after Trump tweets his skeptical climate views

'Welcome to Neo-Stalinism'

Google, with the help of Greenpeace, is revising Greenpeace's history to erase Dr. Moore from his role in co-founding the environmental group. But Greenpeace's own website has previously featured Moore as one of its "founders."

Moore: "Google has removed my photo and name from the 'Founders of Greenpeace'. It was still there 2 days ago but now I am erased. Tech Tyranny!!"

"1st Google image a few days ago screen shot."

2nd Google image this morning. (March 16, 2019)

Google & Greenpeace disappear a founder, much like 'The Commissar Vanishes' in Soviet Russia

By: Marc Morano - Climate DepotMarch 16, 2019 3:22 PM with 0 comments

President Donald Trump touted Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore’s statements earlier this week that “the whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science.” Moore made his comments while appearing on Fox & Friends. See:
Trump touts Greenpeace co-founder declaring ‘the whole climate crisis’ is ‘fake science’ – Video