Author Topic: About That Victory Lap …  (Read 294 times)

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About That Victory Lap …
« on: March 27, 2019, 06:07:46 am »
Remember who you’re celebrating.
By Rachel Larimore

The reaction from the #MAGA crowd to the news that the Mueller investigation was completed and the report delivered to William Barr without calls for further indictment has been one long football-spiking, donut-spinning, fist-pumping Gatorade bath.

And kudos! Enjoy! This is your moment. You guys earned this. You went all-in on the idea that Donald Trump did not actively collude with the Russian government during the 2016 election and, indeed, Robert Mueller could not find enough evidence to prove that charge. So much #winning . . .

Truth be told, there are plenty of sound, sober reasons for every American to be content with the Mueller report. Or at least what little we know about it. For example, we should all be happy that the leader of the free world is not a compromised servant of a foreign power . . . We should also be relieved that Robert Mueller conducted himself so objectively and professionally that his report deserves to be taken seriously by both sides . . .

. . . But the mere fact that Mueller didn’t marshal the evidence to indict Trump for a specific crime does not erase all the terrible things that he has done.

Because at the end of the day Donald Trump is a bad man . . . no, Donald Trump did not “steal” the election, even though we now know definitively that Russia did, in fact, interfere in the election on his behalf . . . You can recognize that his 2016 victory was legitimate and yet also see it as a symptom of something broken in our country that we should be trying to fix . . . [N]ow that that the big storm cloud is no longer looming over Trump, we can take the Mueller report seriously, not literally. And it paints a portrait of the man that doesn’t include hints of collusion. It’s still a pretty ugly picture.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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