Author Topic: Charlie Daniels: The Catastrophic Ramifications of Abolishing the Electoral College  (Read 244 times)

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Charlie Daniels: The Catastrophic Ramifications of Abolishing the Electoral College

There was a time in my younger life when I was more inclined to take things at face value, or superficial appearances, without actually delving into the reasons for, or the aftermath of, the doing away with – or at other times – the instituting of policies and programs.

It seems that the Millennial generation is afflicted with the same shortsightedness that I suffered from when it comes to things like socialism and nanny state politics. They been, at least in many cases, indoctrinated by flower child college professors and ideologues who seem to believe that the money passed out by government programs either grows on trees or can be printed, ad infinitum, an unending supply of currency guaranteeing cradle to grave security for the industrious and non-industrious alike.

There is a well-founded saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

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