Author Topic: Illegal Released by De Blasio, Bites Off ICE Agent’s Finger  (Read 302 times)

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Illegal Released by De Blasio, Bites Off ICE Agent’s Finger
By The Daily Caller
March 21, 2019 Updated: March 21, 2019

The White House is strongly condemning New York City after it says sanctuary city policies led to the release of an illegal immigrant who later bit off the finger of an ICE agent trying to apprehend him.

“New York’s dangerous ‘sanctuary’ policies are directly responsible for the egregious and violent harm suffered by this courageous ICE officer,” White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley said in a statement to The Daily Caller.

A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokeswoman explained to The Daily Caller that Dominican national Christopher Santos Felix “entered the United States on a visitor’s visa in June 2015, but failed to leave within the required timeframe.” Felix then racked up a litany of criminal charges, including driving while intoxicated, before he was arrested for assault by the New York City Police Department on Sept. 29, 2018.

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Re: Illegal Released by De Blasio, Bites Off ICE Agent’s Finger
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2019, 03:43:01 pm »
White House officials are spotlighting New York City’s protection of an illegal migrant who bit off the fingertip of an immigration officer charged with deporting the migrant.