Author Topic: EXCLUSIVE: RNC Fundraising Finds Strength In Grassroots Conservatives In Major Way After Trump's Vet  (Read 286 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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EXCLUSIVE: RNC Fundraising Finds Strength In Grassroots Conservatives In Major Way After Trump's Veto
Townhall, Mar 20, 2019, Timothy Meads

It is no secret that the conservative base has been majorly supportive of President Donald Trump with small-dollar donations since his election but after the commander-in-chief vetoed Congress' attempt to block his national emergency declaration on illegal immigration, thousands of Americans concerned with border security flexed their dedication to the President's agenda with more than $1 million in donations to the Republican National Committee this past weekend.

Shortly after the veto, a fundraising email signed by Trump was sent to Republicans across the country with the subject line -- “VETO SIGNED!” Throughout the weekend, the RNC digital team followed up with subsequent texts reiterating the president's dedication to border security. Republican voters heard these messages and answered his call.

How big was the response? According to some, it was one of the highest engaged email fundraising requests ever for the RNC digital team.   With more than $1 million dollars entering the RNC's war chest in just over two days, the average donation from the President’s veto e-mail was $38 per person. This shows yet again that most of the President's supporters are everyday Americans who simply want a safer country.


The cash haul and dedication to the wall should scare Democrats in 2020 for multiple reasons.

The first is that the RNC has a dedicated team of digital fundraisers who will strategize the best way to use their massive amounts of cash on hand in the lead up to 2020. Democratic candidates on the hand will be spending their money attacking one another. At that rate, it is going to very difficult for the Democratic nominee to catch up to President Trump and the RNC.

The second is that the GOP base is just as dedicated as ever to the RNC and the President's agenda. Illegal immigration will continue the be a key issue in the years to come. As more and more liberals turn towards open borders and amnesty, the GOP base will be as fired up as ever for 2020 and demand a wall along the southern border.