Author Topic: Leftist-Islamist Witch Hunts  (Read 154 times)

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Leftist-Islamist Witch Hunts
« on: March 19, 2019, 02:56:13 pm »

Leftist-Islamist Witch Hunts
Welcome to the Unholy Alliance's politics of personal destruction - new and improved.
March 13, 2019
Michael Ledeen

No doubt about it, we are witnessing a revival of what journalist Eli Lake calls American nativism. But this time, instead of the expression of a right-wing “America First” movement, it’s coming from radical leftist-Islamist women like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Linda Sarsour. It used to be a right-wing phenomenon; now it’s largely on the Left.

When politicians fail to win support for their policies, they demonize their opponents, unleashing what we call the “politics of personal destruction.” When the new nativists talk policy, they generally make fools of themselves. They are instead intent on destroying individuals they dislike. This time it’s Reps. Jerrold Nadler and Adam Schiff -- armed with their made-up accusations, their long lists of intended victims, with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Schiff and Nadler playing the Perry Masons of our day.