Author Topic: US Air Power: The Imperative For Modernization (Buy The F-35)  (Read 197 times)

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 US Air Power: The Imperative For Modernization (Buy The F-35)
By Lani Kass on March 18, 2019 at 7:01 AM

In 2006, a relatively obscure book caused a major stir among the U.S. Air Force leadership. Why Air Forces Fail, edited by Robin Higham and Stephen J. Harris, lays out the determinants of failure: deficiencies in the industrial base, misguided technology and tactical picks, inattention to logistics and neglect of training. The case studies are broken into three categories: ”Dead Ducks,” those who never had a chance to win; “Hares,” who did well at the outset, but failed to exploit their success; and “Phoenixes”–who overcame early defeats to carry the day.

The book crystalized the Air Force’s battle with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who describes the service as “one of my biggest headaches” in his own book, Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War. In Gates’ eyes, the Air Force suffered from “next-war-itis”—focus on future wars with peer adversaries, rather than combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.