Author Topic: Commentary: House Democrats attack Trump budget for spending too little … and for spending too much  (Read 163 times)

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Op-ed March 13, 2019
Commentary: House Democrats attack Trump budget for spending too little … and for spending too much

If you need further proof of how dysfunctional the D.C. conversation about our national debt is, look no further than the conversation around President Donald Trump's latest budget proposal, where House Budget Committee Democrats simultaneously attacked the budget for spending too little and too much.

"These cuts in the Trump budget aren't a tightening of the belt or a trimming of the fat, or even a serious attempt at reining in spending," committee Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) said Tuesday in his opening statement. "They are extreme to a level that is malicious — a level that is intended to do harm."

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) grilled acting Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought on proposed Medicare cuts in the budget plan. Vought pointed out that the budget increases Medicare spending every year, but that the roughly $500 billion Khanna asked about would consist of savings from "commonsense" reforms to the program.