Author Topic: Exclusive — President Trump Mocks ‘Amazing Breed’ of Never Trumpers, Slams ‘Almost Deranged’ ‘Poor B  (Read 1229 times)

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Exclusive — President Trump Mocks ‘Amazing Breed’ of Never Trumpers, Slams ‘Almost Deranged’ ‘Poor Bastard’ George Will

President Donald Trump mocked Never Trumpers in an exclusive, more-than-40-minute interview with Breitbart News in the Oval Office on Monday afternoon, calling them a nearly dead, “amazing breed” of political figures. Trump added, however, the ones who are left are still “slightly dangerous.”
“The Never Trumpers, that’s an amazing breed. First of all, they’re on mouth-to-mouth resuscitation now,” Trump said in response to a question from Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow on his thoughts on Never Trumpers. “There aren’t many of them left. But they’re still slightly dangerous.”
Trump’s comments on Never Trumpers in the Breitbart News exclusive interview went further than a line he first rolled out in his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) hosted by the American Conservative Union (ACU) a little over a week ago, where the president spoke for a record two-plus hours.

“Everyone in this great country, right now, because of our great new economy, is doing well — except, of course, for the Never Trumpers,” Trump said in the CPAC speech. “But they are on mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Mouth to mouth. Mouth to mouth. They’re hanging in. A couple of them. I mean, these guys have gotten me wrong. Not only Never Trumpers. You have Never Trumpers; you have certain hardline. They’re basically dishonest people — because, look, let’s face it: Whether you like me or not — if my name is Smith instead of Trump, and if you told him I put in over 100 federal judges — it’ll soon be 145 federal judges and two Supreme Court judges. (Applause.) And 17 appellate division judges.”
In his Breitbart News exclusive interview, Trump then pointed to Erick Erickson, the founder of the now-defunct Red State who was a leading Never Trumper in 2016 but has, as of February 2019, endorsed Trump for re-election in 2020, as an example of the Never Trump movement losing credibility. Trump said in addition to Erickson’s public endorsement of him, he called the White House and pledged his complete support to the president—a sea change reversal from 2016. Trump said he hopes that this continues and other Never Trumpers recognize the error of their ways and endorse him in 2020.

“But if you take a look at the Never Trumpers—Erick Erickson was great, a couple weeks ago he called up and he said ‘I’m all in,’” Trump said. “And they should all say that because think of what I’ve done. If my name was William Smith instead of Donald Trump—we will have 145 judges very shortly, 145 I’ll be up to, we’re over a hundred now, but very shortly we’ll be up to 145 judges including federal courts of appeals and two Supreme Court Justices who are central casting great everything. With the tax cuts, the regulation cuts, all of what I’ve done for the vets, what I’ve done for the military—we’re rebuilding the military—that budget is not about wars, that budget is about buying equipment and missiles and all the different things that we’re doing. Any one of those guys, you put a different name on, and they’d say this is the greatest president in history including Ronald Reagan.”

From there, Trump turned to Weekly Standard founding editor Bill Kristol. The Weekly Standard, also now defunct, shut down at the end of 2018, going out of business after it became one of the bastions of Never Trumpers. Many of its staffers went on to join CNN, another establishment media outlet that has been vehemently anti-Trump. But Kristol, unlike Erickson, remains a Never Trumper committed to opposing the president at every turn.
“Like Bill Kristol, whose magazine just failed badly to put it mildly, Bill Kristol, I don’t know him,” Trump said. “I don’t know if I’ve ever—the only time I met him was to shake his hand quickly. But Bill Kristol has gotten me wrong for three and a half years, since I announced.”

Then Trump slammed Washington Post columnist and NBC News contributor George Will—who left the Republican Party over Trump in 2016—as “almost deranged” and a “poor bastard.” He said Will was upset that he skipped a speech he gave years ago at Mar-A-Lago, Trump’s resort in  Palm Beach.
“From the day I announced. George Will is almost deranged,” Trump said. “This poor bastard, I almost feel sorry for him. He was at Mar-A-Lago about 12 years ago. He made a speech. And I didn’t want to go, because I didn’t like falling asleep during something—I didn’t want to do. I was always very political but I didn’t want to go. I wasn’t interested in hearing him and he was very insulted that I didn’t go and I just didn’t want to go. I had something else that was more important. And you know, you look at them, because George Will—these guys, assuming, and they are conservative I guess, they should like me more than any president in the history of our country based on just what I’ve done. Take away my name, no labels as they say, take away the name and who’s done better as a conservative than Trump? The judges, the regulations, the tax cuts, the energy.”

Alexander Marlow is the Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News, Matthew Boyle is the Washington Political Editor of Breitbart News, Amanda House is the Deputy Political Editor of Breitbart News, and Charlie Spiering is the Senior White House Correspondent for Breitbart News.
Politics2016 presidential campaign2020 presidential electionBill KristolDonald TrumpErick EricksonGeorge WillNever Trumpoval office

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??? He just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut sometimes.  Perhaps he feels that he has the 2020 election all wrapped up.  I don't know, but further alienating groups such as the Never Trump, is not his brightest move.  He needs ALL the votes he can get especially since the DEMS are pushing for the rights of illegals to vote, and you know that they will continue to push and push and push. Heck they could even give Trump $$ for the wall in exchange for illegal votes. Who knows. IMHO he is grossly underestimating  the number of Never Trumpers and the power of the DEMS as well. Very foolish and narcissistic on his part.

In addition, the crisis at the border isn't going away and the wall that he promised, that won him the oval office, is still non-existent.  That doesn't exactly make a case for voting for him a second time.  Not at all.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 12:24:01 am by libertybele »
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??? He just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut sometimes. 

Actually, 99% of the time. Look at the last day or so -- "Tim Apple," the "complex airplanes."  He just can't resist talking,  particularly about things he knows nothing about.  If he would stop tying to impress his base with stupid comments about stupid stuff and actually worked on all the things he promised -- not just his precious wall -- he would have won us doubters over.  Instead, he piddled away more than 2 years of his presidency at a time when Republicans controlled bothn houses of congress and the presidency.  Now suddenly, when the house is in Democrat hands, he is worried about keeping nhis signagture promise of the wall.

By the way, I was told by a fan that Trump and his supporters don't need Never Trumpers to win. So really, I don't care if he or  his fans like us or not.  Keep talking, Trump.   

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In addition, the crisis at the border isn't going away and the wall that he promised, that won him the oval office, is still non-existent.  That doesn't exactly make a case for voting for him a second time.  Not at all.


The voters are smarter than you portray them.  They understand why the wall is not yet finished @libertybele   The truth is there isn't a case for voting back in the Congressional Republicans who have betrayed us.

I look forward to the day when you, too, are able to understand this.

Offline Chosen Daughter

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So sad.  The President that hires liberals because he feels sorry for them.  Then complains when they sing like birds.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

Offline QueenCatofAragon

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That’s just trashy.  Oh, well, here comes a week or two of cleaning up the mess his mouth made.
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Online libertybele

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The voters are smarter than you portray them.  They understand why the wall is not yet finished @libertybele   The truth is there isn't a case for voting back in the Congressional Republicans who have betrayed us.

I look forward to the day when you, too, are able to understand this.

You can declare b.s. all you want, but the fact still remains that he waited till just days before the new Congress was sworn in to make a push for a wall, created a media frenzy, shut down the government and then caved. Secondly, he signed a bad bill which allows for states to opt out of a barrier.  The only one to blame for those things are Trump.  Where the heck was the push when he had a full majority and if he truly wanted a' big beautiful wall' as he has proclaimed so many times, then why is he allowing states to opt out?  He's been playing a smoke and mirrors game all along and you are buying into the current blame game.

I look forward to the day when you, too, are able to see this.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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Exclusive — President Trump Mocks ‘Amazing Breed’ of Never Trumpers, Slams ‘Almost Deranged’ ‘Poor Bastard’ George Will

President Donald Trump mocked Never Trumpers in an exclusive, more-than-40-minute interview with Breitbart News in the Oval Office on Monday afternoon, calling them a nearly dead, “amazing breed” of political figures. Trump added, however, the ones who are left are still “slightly dangerous.”
“The Never Trumpers, that’s an amazing breed. First of all, they’re on mouth-to-mouth resuscitation now,” Trump said in response to a question from Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow on his thoughts on Never Trumpers. “There aren’t many of them left. But they’re still slightly dangerous.”
Trump’s comments on Never Trumpers in the Breitbart News exclusive interview went further than a line he first rolled out in his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) hosted by the American Conservative Union (ACU) a little over a week ago, where the president spoke for a record two-plus hours.

“Everyone in this great country, right now, because of our great new economy, is doing well — except, of course, for the Never Trumpers,” Trump said in the CPAC speech. “But they are on mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Mouth to mouth. Mouth to mouth. They’re hanging in. A couple of them. I mean, these guys have gotten me wrong. Not only Never Trumpers. You have Never Trumpers; you have certain hardline. They’re basically dishonest people — because, look, let’s face it: Whether you like me or not — if my name is Smith instead of Trump, and if you told him I put in over 100 federal judges — it’ll soon be 145 federal judges and two Supreme Court judges. (Applause.) And 17 appellate division judges.”
In his Breitbart News exclusive interview, Trump then pointed to Erick Erickson, the founder of the now-defunct Red State who was a leading Never Trumper in 2016 but has, as of February 2019, endorsed Trump for re-election in 2020, as an example of the Never Trump movement losing credibility. Trump said in addition to Erickson’s public endorsement of him, he called the White House and pledged his complete support to the president—a sea change reversal from 2016. Trump said he hopes that this continues and other Never Trumpers recognize the error of their ways and endorse him in 2020.

“But if you take a look at the Never Trumpers—Erick Erickson was great, a couple weeks ago he called up and he said ‘I’m all in,’” Trump said. “And they should all say that because think of what I’ve done. If my name was William Smith instead of Donald Trump—we will have 145 judges very shortly, 145 I’ll be up to, we’re over a hundred now, but very shortly we’ll be up to 145 judges including federal courts of appeals and two Supreme Court Justices who are central casting great everything. With the tax cuts, the regulation cuts, all of what I’ve done for the vets, what I’ve done for the military—we’re rebuilding the military—that budget is not about wars, that budget is about buying equipment and missiles and all the different things that we’re doing. Any one of those guys, you put a different name on, and they’d say this is the greatest president in history including Ronald Reagan.”

From there, Trump turned to Weekly Standard founding editor Bill Kristol. The Weekly Standard, also now defunct, shut down at the end of 2018, going out of business after it became one of the bastions of Never Trumpers. Many of its staffers went on to join CNN, another establishment media outlet that has been vehemently anti-Trump. But Kristol, unlike Erickson, remains a Never Trumper committed to opposing the president at every turn.
“Like Bill Kristol, whose magazine just failed badly to put it mildly, Bill Kristol, I don’t know him,” Trump said. “I don’t know if I’ve ever—the only time I met him was to shake his hand quickly. But Bill Kristol has gotten me wrong for three and a half years, since I announced.”

Then Trump slammed Washington Post columnist and NBC News contributor George Will—who left the Republican Party over Trump in 2016—as “almost deranged” and a “poor bastard.” He said Will was upset that he skipped a speech he gave years ago at Mar-A-Lago, Trump’s resort in  Palm Beach.
“From the day I announced. George Will is almost deranged,” Trump said. “This poor bastard, I almost feel sorry for him. He was at Mar-A-Lago about 12 years ago. He made a speech. And I didn’t want to go, because I didn’t like falling asleep during something—I didn’t want to do. I was always very political but I didn’t want to go. I wasn’t interested in hearing him and he was very insulted that I didn’t go and I just didn’t want to go. I had something else that was more important. And you know, you look at them, because George Will—these guys, assuming, and they are conservative I guess, they should like me more than any president in the history of our country based on just what I’ve done. Take away my name, no labels as they say, take away the name and who’s done better as a conservative than Trump? The judges, the regulations, the tax cuts, the energy.”

Alexander Marlow is the Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News, Matthew Boyle is the Washington Political Editor of Breitbart News, Amanda House is the Deputy Political Editor of Breitbart News, and Charlie Spiering is the Senior White House Correspondent for Breitbart News.
Politics2016 presidential campaign2020 presidential electionBill KristolDonald TrumpErick EricksonGeorge WillNever Trumpoval office


LOL.  Why is telling the TRUTH..called "mocking"?   It is totally correct.  The best truth teller around.  I LOVE MY PRESIDENT TRUMP.   pointing-up.   :kisses2: :cheerlead:

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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You can declare b.s. all you want, but the fact still remains that he waited till just days before the new Congress was sworn in to make a push for a wall, created a media frenzy, shut down the government and then caved. Secondly, he signed a bad bill which allows for states to opt out of a barrier.  The only one to blame for those things are Trump.  Where the heck was the push when he had a full majority and if he truly wanted a' big beautiful wall' as he has proclaimed so many times, then why is he allowing states to opt out?  He's been playing a smoke and mirrors game all along and you are buying into the current blame game. 

So many mistakes here, so little time --- and I'm not in the mood to waste it @libertybele    **nononono*

« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 01:52:59 am by Right_in_Virginia »

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I wish I had a President who could confidently stand on his record.

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??? He just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut sometimes.  Perhaps he feels that he has the 2020 election all wrapped up.  I don't know, but further alienating groups such as the Never Trump, is not his brightest move.  He needs ALL the votes he can get especially since the DEMS are pushing for the rights of illegals to vote, and you know that they will continue to push and push and push. Heck they could even give Trump $$ for the wall in exchange for illegal votes. Who knows. IMHO he is grossly underestimating  the number of Never Trumpers and the power of the DEMS as well. Very foolish and narcissistic on his part.

In addition, the crisis at the border isn't going away and the wall that he promised, that won him the oval office, is still non-existent.  That doesn't exactly make a case for voting for him a second time.  Not at all.

Everything you wrote is WRONG.  How do you do that?  FACTS GIVEN,  LINKS GIVEN, VIDEO'S POSTED.  If you don't vote him back into office you will live like in Venezuela with AOC...GREEN DEAL.  NT'S are really stuck. SOS
Wall is being built as we speak..DAILY.  it is NOT a magic wall, it will take a bit of time to build.

( York Begins Forcible ‘Green’ Acceptance With Meatless Mondays. 3-12-2019  Conservative News site
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced ‘meatless Monday’s’ controlling the food intake of millions of children.)

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 02:05:44 am by LegalAmerican »

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The voters are smarter than you portray them.  They understand why the wall is not yet finished @libertybele   The truth is there isn't a case for voting back in the Congressional Republicans who have betrayed us.

I look forward to the day when you, too, are able to understand this.

..................It will never happen  SOS.  They need to learn the hard way. STARVING.  Maybe not even then.  888mouth

Online libertybele

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Everything you wrote is WRONG.  How do you do that?  FACTS GIVEN,  LINKS GIVEN, VIDEO'S POSTED.  If you don't vote him back into office you will live like in Venezuela with AOC...GREEN DEAL.  NT'S are really stuck. SOS
Wall is being built as we speak..DAILY.  it is NOT a magic wall, it will take a bit of time to build.

( York Begins Forcible ‘Green’ Acceptance With Meatless Mondays. 3-12-2019  Conservative News site
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced ‘meatless Monday’s’ controlling the food intake of millions of children.)

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

No, it's not a magic wall, nor can we take a magic carpet ride and pretend everything is progressing from one video that was taken back in April, 2018 whicht was for 20 miles of fence.  20 miles is a beginning yes. That's all the $$ that was allocated. Most of the funding used has been to repair or replace existing border wall that is badly deteriorated.

Trump caved after the govt' shutdown; the new bill only includes $1.375 billion for 55 miles of fencing.  In addition to that he signed a bill that allows states to opt out of a barrier.  So, while you're on your magic carpet ride maybe you can put up a magic fence in those areas.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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 Here is the start of Venezuela.   You can learn or be stuck.

 New York Begins Forcible ‘Green’ Acceptance With Meatless Mondays. 3-12-2019  Conservative News site

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced ‘meatless Monday’s’ controlling the food intake of millions of children.