Author Topic: DHS Says Smugglers are Recycling Children to Get Unrelated Adults into the Country [VIDEO]  (Read 226 times)

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DHS Says Smugglers are Recycling Children to Get Unrelated Adults into the Country [VIDEO]

 Steven Ahle March 7, 2019

The Mexican drug cartels make a lot of money by smuggling illegal aliens into the United States. President Trump had tried to fix the problem but was sabotaged by the Democrats, wimpy RINOs and activist judges.

The cartels took note and now they have revived an earlier practice of using children to get adults into the country, then the children are moved back into Mexico to accompany the next set of illegal aliens. This was being done before but was halted before the courts threw out Trump’s reforms and now, they are back at it again.

From The Daily Caller[VIDEO]