Author Topic: Q-ANON Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 4  (Read 80923 times)

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Re: Q-ANON Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 4
« Reply #825 on: May 21, 2019, 01:52:31 pm »

Clinton Foundation,  Ivy League Colleges,  Laws & Legislation,  Partners In Health,  Planned Parenthood

THE ABORTION AGENDA: Its Benefactors & What You Don’t Know
January 31, 2019

Pay very close attention, because there is a lot more going on with their abortion agenda, than meets the eye. Who’s involved, where is this headed, and what atrocities have already occurred? Something very significant began back in 1993, leading up to this, and no one is reporting on it.

New York’s ‘Reproductive Health Act’ brought shock and awe to the entire country, by legalizing full-term abortions, and decriminalizing it. As barbaric as this all is, no one seems to be focused on the nurses and midwives’ addition to this bill, who coincidentally have been trained by the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Partners in Health, Planned Parenthood, and the Ivy League schools, for over two decades. While everyone is still trying to catch their breath, the reality of what lies ahead, may unfortunately include unthinkable, sinister acts. Based on past events, actions, and evidence of fetal tissue and body parts being sold, new “youth” blood clinics opening their doors, and prior experimentation on prison babies, it’s time to wake from the shock, and pay very close attention. This is both a physical and spiritual battle – armor up. They just legalized allowing a new born baby to suffer and die outside of the womb, if they did not succeed with the abortion procedure. This is murder in the worst degree.

As mind-altering as this bill is, Virginia, Vermont and Rhode Island are a few of many states that are quickly pushing to pass similar laws, while the battle with pro-lifers continues. There are other very significant changes in the New York bill, that they camouflaged in multiple “refer to” sections, with a separate 6-page document. Below, is a breakdown of the key changes New York passed, incredible repercussions this may have on the future, and a specific agenda that goes back over two decades, setting up for this very day.

Breakdown of The New Abortion Laws in New York

    An abortion can be performed if the patient is within 24-weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, OR there is an absence of fetal viability, OR the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life OR health. Yet, they do not specify health reasons, leaving this wide open. Though, under existing judicial interpretation, her emotional well-being is likely included. Therefore, a woman can have an abortion in her third trimester, providing she can convince her practitioner or nurse that it’s necessary.

    In addition to M.D.s, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and midwives may perform nonsurgical abortions. After the 12th week, the procedure must be in a hospital. After the 20th week, an M.D. must be present to handle the care of any live birth.

    They removed abortion from criminal code and moved it under health, therefore, if a man were to beat a pregnant woman, and she lost her child, it would no longer be considered a felony murder. This also protects medical professionals who perform abortions from criminal prosecution, including if illegal abortions were performed.

    No consent from their partner or “cooling off” period is necessary.

    It is now legal to take drugs with the intent to cause a miscarriage.

    Removed legal protections for babies born alive; immediate legal status, a dedicated physician to care for the child, and records of life-sustaining efforts. Because they are not allowed to murder a newborn baby outside the womb, if the baby didn’t die prior to removing it from the mother, they cannot end its suffering.

The dilation and extraction procedure is used for an abortion after 21 weeks. The fetus is rotated, and forceps are used to grasp and pull the legs, shoulders, and arms through the birth canal. A small incision is made at the base of the skull to allow a suction catheter inside. The catheter removes the cerebral material until the skull collapses. The fetus is then completely removed.

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Re: Q-ANON Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 4
« Reply #826 on: June 30, 2019, 05:14:17 am »

A new Senate bill would fundamentally change the internet as we know it

My tweets to Senator Josh Hawley:

1/7.THANKS for your tireless patriotic efforts in behalf of decent 'common' Americans. RE internet: 1. THERE NEEDS TO BE an oversight panel of balanced 'common' citizens--balanced on left/right, Christian/non, etc. & efforts made to select REASONABLE people who are not rabid

2/7.Who R NOT rabid ideologues immune to reason or balance. They need to be more humble than ego driven. SERIOUSLY the selection of panel members is crucial to constructive patriotic operation of the oversight panel. 2. DO NOT TRUST--DO NOT IMPLEMENT--A GOVERNMENTAL department,

3/7. DO NOT TRUST any form of government bureaucracy to oversee the internet. 3. Insure those that choose the oversight panel members are also balanced. Those choosers would be very temporary & reconstituted whenever needed. 4. Prevent corporate liability that is unfitting &

4/7.PREVENT corporate liability that is unreasonable & unfitting for freewheeling free speech internet forums, venues, contexts WHILE 4. ALSO MAKING CERTAIN THAT NO CENSORSHIP of legal (non-terrorist, non-obscene etc) speech occurs. No reason can't have both protection from

5/7. No reason can't have BOTH protection from unreasonable liability AND TOTAL PREVENTION of unfitting censorship of Constitutionally protected free speech. 5. IF corp's balk--break them up & make public utilities OVERSEEN by grass roots citizens with short tenures of 3-7 years.

/7. BE CREATIVE in solving this problem. AVOID new government bureaucracy--INSIST on CITIZEN oversight of balanced composition & short tenures on such a panel. Keep track of panel members who serve honorably with sound balanced judgment & decisions. Eventually 50-75% of panel

7/7. Eventually 50-75% of the 5-7 member panel could be retreads who had earlier demonstrated highly honorable & balanced judgment & decisions. Retreads would have to sit out one cycle before joining again. Pay them highly from corp licensing fees. Monitor for corruption & rabid

8/7. Monitor for corruption & rabid agenda or stooge serving of corporate puppet masters. Fine & imprison those guilty thereof. Proceedings of panel to be public. Provide for citizen complaint, input, whistleblowing.

9/7. I do NOT believe current crop of FB, TW, GOOGLE, YOUTUBE, et al CAN successfully be reigned in vis a vis their treason & squashing of conservative perspectives. TRASH them all & start over maybe with broad citizen ownership. i.e. distribute stock to all voters in last elect

10/7. SOMEHOW if keep components of such corps--MAKE CERTAIN no dyed-in-the-wool NWO Marxist globalist agents remain in any positions higher than toilet cleaners. THIS IS SERIOUS & A WAR OF SURVIVAL. The current corps CANNOT be allowed to continue w status quo by a wide margin.

11/7. There would be value in the panel checking--similar to the Supreme Court--that the values & content criteria supported/allowed mirrored the CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATIONAL VALUES that supported the founding of this Republic. Treason would not be allowed. No Violent overthrow

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-ANON Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 4
« Reply #827 on: June 30, 2019, 05:24:46 am »



Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Re: Q-ANON Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 4
« Reply #828 on: June 30, 2019, 05:40:26 am »




NEW THREAT: Antifa Plans Acid Attack on D.C. Free Speech Rally, Promises To Blind Attendees
Attendees at an upcoming free speech rally have been threatened with acid attacks via social media.

Published 5 hours ago on Jun 29, 2019
By Tom Pappert

A man, possibly a Rolling Stone journalist who writes favorably about Antifa, has threatened to attack attendees of the Demand Free Speech rally with “muriatic acid, wax, and balloons” on July 6 in Washington, D.C.

The threats were made on a popular right wing Telegram channel. A user with the name “POUND ON YOUR BOY” made several threats against the rally, prompting co-organizer Enrique Tarrio to contact the FBI and DHS, who are now planning to provide additional security to the event.

Over the course of about 10 minutes last night, the “POUND ON YOUR BOY” account asked how the D.C. event is “coming along”, and referenced muriatic acid multiple times.

“I just want to toss as many balloons of Muriatic acid in the faces as many Proud Boys I can [sic]”, wrote the user, “I just want to blind as many of you c**k suckers are possible [sic].”


Mark Taylor says it is coming. Though we believe AFTER Trump's reign. imho, They will try to light it off as soon as they can manage it.

« Last Edit: June 30, 2019, 05:41:58 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/