Author Topic: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again  (Read 32262 times)

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Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #550 on: March 11, 2019, 04:17:21 am »
@Smokin Joe

Bullshit.  Quit lying, Joe.  It makes you look as though you’ll stoop to any level to defend that creep.
Lying? Hell, I was shocked to see you rush to judgement. I had previously respected your opinions--far more than I do now.
You were standing in the proverbial street, torch and rope in hand, almost as soon as the allegations were made. Despite those allegations and their purported evidence being debunked, you persist.
Your mind is made up.

You will not look at any exculpatory evidence and it has been that way from day one.

Show me where you posted that he might be innocent. That you had any doubt. It hasn't happened.

I'm not stooping low, I'm just applying the same constitutional presumption of innocence that you or I or anyone accused of wrongdoing should get.

I read an account of something that was supposed to have happened 40 years ago that read like a mid-90s letter in Penthouse Forum, not like an account of a victim.

I saw a supposed yearbook signature that carried the initials of his assistant. It was in three different colors of ink, and the lines of writing were at two distinct angles.
What's more, the annotation was ridiculously redundant--not the hallmark of an attorney, even a new one.

Mall cruising? Nope. No evidence.
Kicked out of a Mall? Didn't happen. no record of anything like it.

Details about the placement of the dumpsters at the restaurant? Wrong.

The more you looked into the allegations, the more they stank.
Democrat party involvement on the part of the accusers? Universal, sometimes high in the local Party.

The list goes on. The whole smear doesn't hold water.

You threw him under the bus and pronounced judgement on him faster than the National GOP, and they didn't let any ink dry, either before they started pressuring him to bail (which would have appeared a tacit admission of guilt, something no innocent man would do) so they could get 'their guy' in the running.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #551 on: March 11, 2019, 04:22:32 am »
Lying? Hell, I was shocked to see you rush to judgement. I had previously respected your opinions--far more than I do now.
You were standing in the proverbial street, torch and rope in hand, almost as soon as the allegations were made. Despite those allegations and their purported evidence being debunked, you persist.
Your mind is made up.


Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #552 on: March 11, 2019, 04:35:58 am »

Are you really serious?  That’s what you call celebrating Jones’ win?  Two people admitting Moore was going to lose and another saying she would have stayed home?  Lol, no.

I want to see TBR members expressing happiness that Jones won.  Where is it?

(You made a YouTube video?  About a Roy Moore post?  Good grief).
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #553 on: March 11, 2019, 04:45:53 am »
Lying? Hell, I was shocked to see you rush to judgement. I had previously respected your opinions--far more than I do now.
You were standing in the proverbial street, torch and rope in hand, almost as soon as the allegations were made. Despite those allegations and their purported evidence being debunked, you persist.
Your mind is made up.

You will not look at any exculpatory evidence and it has been that way from day one.

Show me where you posted that he might be innocent. That you had any doubt. It hasn't happened.

I'm not stooping low, I'm just applying the same constitutional presumption of innocence that you or I or anyone accused of wrongdoing should get.

I read an account of something that was supposed to have happened 40 years ago that read like a mid-90s letter in Penthouse Forum, not like an account of a victim.

I saw a supposed yearbook signature that carried the initials of his assistant. It was in three different colors of ink, and the lines of writing were at two distinct angles.
What's more, the annotation was ridiculously redundant--not the hallmark of an attorney, even a new one.

Mall cruising? Nope. No evidence.
Kicked out of a Mall? Didn't happen. no record of anything like it.

Details about the placement of the dumpsters at the restaurant? Wrong.

The more you looked into the allegations, the more they stank.
Democrat party involvement on the part of the accusers? Universal, sometimes high in the local Party.

The list goes on. The whole smear doesn't hold water.

You threw him under the bus and pronounced judgement on him faster than the National GOP, and they didn't let any ink dry, either before they started pressuring him to bail (which would have appeared a tacit admission of guilt, something no innocent man would do) so they could get 'their guy' in the running.

@Smokin Joe

I didn’t stutter.  You’re lying, and you’re very dramatic.

I guess I’ll just have to struggle through my days somehow without your respect. 
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #554 on: March 11, 2019, 04:47:25 am »
@Smokin Joe

I didn’t stutter.  You’re lying, and you’re very dramatic.

I guess I’ll just have to struggle through my days somehow without your respect.
I'm not lying, and I'm not the only person who saw it.

Struggle away.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #555 on: March 11, 2019, 04:52:40 am »


Oh, look, it’s the tough mountain man who threw a hissy fit, announced “I’m not speaking to you anymore!” and flounced off in a huff with his skirts around his neck.  🙄

I swear, the men I was raised with & live with aren’t into these histrionic displays.   I can’t relate. 
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #556 on: March 11, 2019, 04:58:24 am »
I'm not lying, and I'm not the only person who saw it.

Struggle away.

@Smokin Joe

Then they’re lying, too.  *shrug*

You do realize, don’t you, Joe, that I’m saying I don’t give a crap about your respect?  I mean at this point, if I had to explain even that to you, I wouldn’t be surprised, but...

I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #557 on: March 11, 2019, 05:03:15 am »
@Smokin Joe

Then they’re lying, too.  *shrug*

You do realize, don’t you, Joe, that I’m saying I don’t give a crap about your respect?  I mean at this point, if I had to explain even that to you, I wouldn’t be surprised, but...
Good. You don't have it. Have a lovely day.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Sighlass

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #558 on: March 11, 2019, 05:14:19 am »

OK, but as you can see it didn't stop me from replying.

Quote from: musiclady
You decided to draw me out?? ROFLOL! What a joke!!  :silly:

And it worked.... people can go up thread and see for themselves you know...

Quote from: muslclady
I'm not the enemy because I see Roy Moore differently than you do, so all this tripe you just posted is meaningless.

Agree, but when you stick your fingers in your ears every time you don't care to hear something, it becomes a little suspicious.

Quote from: muslclady
You insulted me without the courtesy of posting directly to me.

Fair enough, but I explained why I did what I did (to draw you out from just biting at heels). Lets look at the horrible thing I did to you. I said some beer (you just posted a beer gif) was actually "kool-aid". I knew you couldn't resist having your "right on" post criticized. @musiclady

Quote from: musiclady
You know I am a consistent conservative.  You know I am honest and fair.  You know that I ask others to treat women with respect.  You know that I don't mince words, and that I deal with others directly.

This ties in with the next part... so will answer below..

Quote from: musiclady
I expect the same of the men I respect, and you are one of them.

Your only blind spot seems to be abject hatred of anyone who looks at Roy Moore and doesn't see a god who has been maligned unfairly, and that anyone who says a negative word about him is somehow under Marxist influence and a fool.

All I will say is that you, and a couple of others, are wrong.

Conservatism isn't about blind loyalty.  It's about discernment and principles, including moral principles.

That's where I am, and other than your Moore-blindness, so are you.

You are right, we know humans are faulty and not to worship them. But you know what, that includes you and me. I have tried to back up everything I say about Moore with either links or facts or quotes... it is tiresome to keep up with. You just flutter in and out dropping bad eggs and when pointed out just flutter out the window.

It ain't easy sticking your neck out for anyone when you know they are human and flawed, but I do ask for some proof before I cut someone I like neck off. Time and time again, I point out facts, you flutter out the window. Time and time again I ask for proof and get nothing but your gut feeling that you hate men that date young women. Something I pointed out I did (my wife is much younger than myself and I was nothing but a gentleman while dating her). That is fine, you are entitled to feel that way, but it does not mean Roy did anything wrong. If you can prove that Roy did date a lady below the age of consent, please do so. I would be interested in seeing it.

I just know that a lot of these women have a past that is deeply rooted in liberalism and that women lie today just as fluently as men do. We know some of the ladies lied, because it was proven (like the lady who had her husband claim that Roy was banned from the mall)... The black lady police woman had a history of lying also... (but she deleted her FB page).

I still pop over every so often to her FB page to see what other liberal cause she has taken on.

My Moore blindness (as you put it) isn't the cause of our friction. It is that you post without proof on this subject and deny things when pointed out differently than you hoped. It is ok to not like Moore because he dated women younger than himself, but when presented facts that contradict other things alleged, you just seemed to ignore them and to go in snark mode. One time it got so obvious that even the Mod said knock it off. Funny enough @QueenCatofAragon  and you did a tag team effort there just as here. Playing the victim card like a pro.,334524.50.html

Quote from: musiclady
@Sighlass - next time you want to make absurd accusations about me, at least be decent enough to do it to my face.  You're not a coward.  Don't act like one.

And if you want to look at me as the enemy because I don't share your love for Moore, just put me on ignore, or scroll by my posts.
If you want to have honest dialogue, I'm up for it.  But cut the crap.

Again, all I did was suggest your beer was "kool-aid"... but whatever. No, I am not a coward but you once played the victim card that I was harassing you so I did tend to just let you bury yourself as Queen has. But I have tired of letting you have free run, even as you have now (deciding that you will just disappear because we are not worthy of your greatness). You ask to cut the crap then announce that you can not be bothered when push comes to shove. One nice person even wrote a nice long reply to you that you promptly spit back in his face that it wasn't worthy to read. Time you are called out for it. It was rude and you know it.

Quote from: musiclady
Edited to add:  I'm not coming back to this thread for anything, or anyone, but I just have to say that I've spent the last week out of state, visiting with family and friends, going to concerts and shoveling snow, and the idea that I've been lurking on this thread just to cause trouble and that I need to be called out for it STILL has me laughing.

Perhaps then you might want to log out because the names show up on top who is viewing. I used the word lurk because it seemed to fit. Just as I have lurked for a few hours trying to get this stupid reply to look half way decent like I see some other members pull off. It ain't easy and will never reach their degree of perfection.

Quote from: musiclady
Some people........ and you know who you are.......... need to get a proverbial life and let the rest of us think for ourselves.

Well I did mention this was my pet peeve subject that I collected links for (I have no other such subjects).... You think what you will, but don't expect the rest of us to not think for ourselves. But if you happen to have a real deal truth about Moore, post it and I will bookmark it in my folder and vetting it for truth as best I can.

Roy Moore

« Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 05:29:35 am by Sighlass »
Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #559 on: March 11, 2019, 06:32:16 am »

Are you really serious?  That’s what you call celebrating Jones’ win?  Two people admitting Moore was going to lose and another saying she would have stayed home?  Lol, no.

I want to see TBR members expressing happiness that Jones won.  Where is it?

(You made a YouTube video?  About a Roy Moore post?  Good grief).

Yep, I do, and it was pointed out it was "gloating" on that very thread. And it wasn't just two people, I linked the thread, you do your own homework for once.

Gloat - To feel or express great, often malicious, pleasure or self-satisfaction:

For those of you gloating over this loss, you lose, too. 

BTW... I think you were guest poster "Silver Pines" in that thread for those interested in where you stood.

Again proven to be a lie.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 06:48:48 am by Sighlass »
Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #560 on: March 11, 2019, 06:34:59 am »
I did find a very interesting post from @driftdiver back then... in the old Moore thread...

@Smokin Joe
I know I'm paranoid but I wonder how many of these people are who they say.  How many are real people, real conservatives or even real Americans.  We know the left uses paid trolls and bots to manipulate social media.  We also know there is no low they will not go to in order to further their agenda.  They have virtually unlimited funding supporting their global agenda and nothing else to do.

Funny just how much you hit the nail back then. Now it has been proven Project Birmingham and other projects were in play...
Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #561 on: March 11, 2019, 01:20:48 pm »
Twice already I have seen you @QueenCatofAragon and @musiclady suggest some of us (I was named) as worshiping Moore... Odd cause I remember protesting both his association with Steve Bannon and Trump during the election...  I said there was no need for Moore to even be around them...I also pointed out Moore's son was a thorn at times because he was bad to do stupid things (like a spoiled brat)... Just as @Smokin Joe does, we give our opinion good or bad when called for. There is no worship of Moore anymore than any other person.

Get a new line of argument... cause that one don't float. Never did.

@QueenCatofAragon @musiclady @Sighlass

I would also like to see someone post the instance when I "worshiped" Roy Moore!  It's gonna be a very difficult task because it hasn't happened!  I do care a great deal for the TRUTH, however.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #562 on: March 11, 2019, 02:31:06 pm »
If Moore wins the primary in 2020.  I think he beats Jones in a rematch.  None of those allegations were meant to stick back in 2017 which is why  they have all been refuted. Shallow accusations to manipulate voters one month before the election.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 02:39:11 pm by OldSchoolPike3Worker »

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #563 on: March 11, 2019, 03:04:36 pm »
If Moore wins the primary in 2020.  I think he beats Jones in a rematch.  None of those allegations were meant to stick back in 2017 which is why  they have all been refuted. Shallow accusations to manipulate voters one month before the election.

Welcome, @OldSchoolPike3Worker!  Haven't seen you around these parts before.

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #564 on: March 11, 2019, 03:17:15 pm »
If Moore wins the primary in 2020.  I think he beats Jones in a rematch.  None of those allegations were meant to stick back in 2017 which is why  they have all been refuted. Shallow accusations to manipulate voters one month before the election.


Your political analysis is sound, and I hope to see more of you on TBR!
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #565 on: March 11, 2019, 03:25:05 pm »
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #566 on: March 11, 2019, 03:26:31 pm »
If Moore wins the primary in 2020.  I think he beats Jones in a rematch.  None of those allegations were meant to stick back in 2017 which is why  they have all been refuted. Shallow accusations to manipulate voters one month before the election.

Welcome to TBR @OldSchoolPike3Worker and thanks for the link!

"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #567 on: March 11, 2019, 04:35:04 pm »

Hey, dude.  Hand me some of that popcorn, will ya?   This thread is like a fascinating train wreck that you just can't look away from!
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #568 on: March 11, 2019, 05:07:05 pm »
Hey, dude.  Hand me some of that popcorn, will ya?   This thread is like a fascinating train wreck that you just can't look away from!

I've got plenty to go around now that @Cyber Liberty had to give up his popcorn concession.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #569 on: March 11, 2019, 05:10:23 pm »
If Moore wins the primary in 2020.  I think he beats Jones in a rematch.  None of those allegations were meant to stick back in 2017 which is why  they have all been refuted.

The problem wasn't with the allegations.  The problem was that Moore effectively gave up.  So the question should be whether the Moore of 2020 will be the same quitter as he was 3 years ago.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #570 on: March 11, 2019, 05:10:43 pm »
I've got plenty to go around now that @Cyber Liberty had to give up his popcorn concession.

Who says I gave that up??
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #571 on: March 11, 2019, 05:11:39 pm »
Who says I gave that up??

Competition will keep you on your toes.

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #572 on: March 11, 2019, 05:14:40 pm »
Competition will keep you on your toes.

True.  And it's close to impossible to corner the popcorn market...
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #573 on: March 11, 2019, 05:42:27 pm »
Who says I gave that up??

Heard a rumor it was a downside to accepting the corner office!  :tongue2:
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: GOP nightmare as Alabama's Roy Moore signals he might run again
« Reply #574 on: March 11, 2019, 06:04:53 pm »
Heard a rumor it was a downside to accepting the corner office!  :tongue2:

For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
Castillo del Cyber Autonomous Zone ~~~~~>                          :dontfeed: