Author Topic: Zakaria to Dems: Please stop embracing Ocasio-Cortez’ “casual attitude toward facts” — and her socia  (Read 279 times)

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Zakaria to Dems: Please stop embracing Ocasio-Cortez’ “casual attitude toward facts” — and her socialism

Ed MorrisseyPosted at 8:01 pm on February 24, 2019

Ignore the easy cheap shot at Republicans at the end and featured in the tweet below. That was merely Fareed Zakaria’s passport to ripping into ignorant Democratic demagogues and their disregard for facts and logic on the way to demanding a new socialist paradise in America. And can you guess who Zakaria pegs as the poster child for his plea for moderate Democrats to please pretty please take the wheel?

Of course you can. She’s “the Boss,” after all:

Zakaria nearly laughs out loud describing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ argument against the Amazon deal. “But as Mayor Bill de Blasio explained …” he says with a chuckle in leading to de Blasio’s explanation that the money Ocasio-Cortez claimed was being given away didn’t exist without the deal.