Author Topic: Trump and Republicans Appeal to Men with Fragile Masculinity, Researchers Find  (Read 2208 times)

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Offline roamer_1

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Why of course we can, otherwise there is no forgiveness in this life.
That is the very essence of altering bad behavior, doing penance for it
and resolving to do good behavior!!!

That redeems nothing.
It is Messiah that brings salvation. He has paid the price you could not.
Messiah is the Redeemer. Not you or I.

Offline Smokin Joe

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Agreed.  I would think a good editor would say "two researchers?  That's not news.  Get back to me when it's really a story."
It isn't the story that matters, it is the headline they hang on it.

(Who actually reads the article, anyway?--with the exception of those of us who want to know how they came up with the latest BS)
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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Sanguine

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It isn't the story that matters, it is the headline they hang on it.

(Who actually reads the article, anyway?--with the exception of those of us who want to know how they came up with the latest BS)

I totally agree.

Offline Absalom

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That redeems nothing.
It is Messiah that brings salvation. He has paid the price you could not.
Messiah is the Redeemer. Not you or I.
Certainly none of us is the Messiah who is the Redeemer.
Yet does that mean none of us can seek redemption/forgiveness???
Do we not have to actively participate in our own behavioral change to merit forgiveness???
Or are we simply passive bystanders in the entire process???
I assume you are simply playing semantics here because if not, your assertion is absurd!

Offline jmyrlefuller

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Certainly none of us is the Messiah who is the Redeemer.
Yet does that mean none of us can seek redemption/forgiveness???
Do we not have to actively participate in our own behavioral change to merit forgiveness???
Or are we simply passive bystanders in the entire process???
A Calvinist believes just that... but that would be a religious debate, which for most intents and purposes is verboten here.
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Offline Absalom

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A Calvinist believes just that... but that would be a religious debate, which for most intents and purposes is verboten here.
I wasn't aware of that.
If so, it explains the argument made.

Offline roamer_1

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Certainly none of us is the Messiah who is the Redeemer.
Yet does that mean none of us can seek redemption/forgiveness???
Do we not have to actively participate in our own behavioral change to merit forgiveness???
Or are we simply passive bystanders in the entire process???
I assume you are simply playing semantics here because if not, your assertion is absurd!

There is no merit. That is why it is called grace, and why works are not salvific, that no man may boast.

How can I put this well?
It's like chores.
They're expected of you. If you grew up on a farm, you likely did chores, which were required and not paid for (my allowance was always pegged otherwise). Chores are just part of living.

If you live in your old man's house, you do as is expected.

Good works are much the same. What the Father wants is 'teshuva'... Repentance in the Christian vernacular... But is more about turning back to the Father and living right, more than the act of contrition... Though I suppose true contrition must be obtained.

Does that explain it well enough @Absalom ?