Author Topic: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot  (Read 114014 times)

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Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #400 on: April 03, 2019, 04:13:26 am »
No, you misunderstand. Both you and @Axeslinger made a comment or comments in relation to the visibility of TBR compared to Twitter or other sites.

What I am trying to tell you is that immersion into huge social media platforms can cause a process that ANY person's brain can't keep up with or compute.

There is a concerted effort on the part of the MSM, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, etc. to only allow content that fits their rules. But no one knows what those rules really are.

It is a part of this thread to suggest those media platforms are using or will figure out how to sway people's minds to "their" way of thinking.

I should keep files like @Bigun does. Too many things going down a bottomless rabbit hole never to be seen again. Something I noticed ten or twelve years ago researching info on a subject that is now taboo. Posting over at TOS.

I am replying on this thread to comments made on other threads I deem relevant.

Mind my own business? Don't post comments anywhere if you think a reply is some sort of attack.

I don’t think it’s an attack, but when people get caught up in conspiracy stuff, they tend to not take no for an answer when others say they’re not interested.   That was about the fourth time you’ve had one of your bad periods and pinged me for a rebuke of some kind.  I have no idea why, but I didn’t respond before.  But I wasn’t in the mood for the conspiracy shilling.  That hasn’t changed. 

You say mass media causes psychosis.  Who knows, probably.  Sealing yourself up in a bubble can have the same effect.  Going down internet rabbit holes and immersing yourself in conspiracies absolutely causes psychosis.

 You need proof?  Go on Twitter (yeah I know) and try to have a reasonable conversation with anyone in the Qanon tags.  Hillary Clinton harvests adrenochrome from infants’ glands and snorts it to get high, then bathes in their blood and eats their bodies for dinner.  It’s all recycled Protocols of the Elders of Zion garbage—anti-semitism of the worst kind is rife in Qanon land.  They’ll tell you about the synagogue of Satan.  Also that JFK Jr. has been alive all along and is hiding out to help Trump save the world.  Yesterday a video turned up in my feed—a woman ranting that Obama ordered 65,000 hot dogs delivered to the White House, only they weren’t hot dogs because everyone knows that’s pedophile code for children.

Just a couple of days ago, Q let his fans know that soon he’ll reveal information about a secret race of reptilian humanoid hybrids who exist on earth.  They’ll lap it up and they won’t question it.  I might consider them pathetic, but it’s very hard to feel any sympathy for (supposed) thinking adults who even entertain such insanity, much less fall headlong into it.

It’s a crazy, insane cult, but I wouldn’t care if it weren’t so prevalent.  Go look at the line outside Trump’s last rally.  It was filled with people wearing Q shirts.  When Trump used his hands, they said he was tracing a Q in the air as coded messages.  Yesterday the Twitter account for the Unplanned movie (pro-life) tweeted out Q crap. This lunatic shit is in danger of taking over the right.  It’s concerning.  You aren’t aware because you believe in staying in a safe little bubble. 

The shyster, PrayingMedic, who’s likely behind it, is making out selling “healing classes”.  And books instructing you on astral projection (pure occultism) and how you can fly to the heavenly court and pick out your angel lawyer to argue your case before God.  If you think I’m making it up, just google.  I saw a video of the guy being interviewed by that nut Bill Mitchell.   His eyes were darting all over the place every time he was asked a question—a classic sign of someone lying his ass off.  He finished up with a threat to doxx people who challenge Q. 

Meanwhile his cult members continue to isolate themselves and drive away their families so that the only ones left to them are fellow cult members in cyberspace.  They spend their time chasing down make work clues to nothing, hoping for mass executions in the streets, and making bad-quality memes, like the kind you see at TOS, because Q told them memes are warfare.   None of the BS deadlines ever pan out, but that doesn’t matter.  They’re too invested.  And that’s how cults work.

Personally?  I think we’re being softened up.  I think it really got started with the slavish devotion the left had for Obama, and continued with the same on the right for Trump.  Now you see large numbers buying into stuff so deranged it wouldn’t make a good movie.  You know how the Bible says even the elect will be deceived?  If Obama was godlike, and Trump a global savior from nightmare evildoers, what do you think will happen when the AntiChrist shows up?  People will snap to and fall right in line.

So when I see this crazy shit taking over, I have zero patience with it.  You really should be careful, Fred.  Fear is the driving force that causes people to withdraw from the world into their safe shell.  It’s the reason they magnify politicians into supernatural demons and larger than life heroes who will save them.   You’re headed toward a dark place that’s not healthy.  God is still in control. 
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Online bigheadfred

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #401 on: April 04, 2019, 01:13:22 am »
Personally?  I think we’re being softened up.  I think it really got started with the slavish devotion the left had for Obama

Bush 2 really pulled the stops on the bullshit.

I don't follow Q. I don't follow Trump. I follow one thing.

I spend quite a bit of time reading. Some very interesting things out of print. Exorcized from the internet.

I'm not the one who needs to be careful (of myself). It is something else.

I wish for you the best.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #402 on: April 04, 2019, 11:24:25 am »
I don’t think it’s an attack, but when people get caught up in conspiracy stuff, they tend to not take no for an answer when others say they’re not interested.   That was about the fourth time you’ve had one of your bad periods and pinged me for a rebuke of some kind.  I have no idea why, but I didn’t respond before.  But I wasn’t in the mood for the conspiracy shilling.  That hasn’t changed. 

You say mass media causes psychosis.  Who knows, probably.  Sealing yourself up in a bubble can have the same effect.  Going down internet rabbit holes and immersing yourself in conspiracies absolutely causes psychosis.

 You need proof?  Go on Twitter (yeah I know) and try to have a reasonable conversation with anyone in the Qanon tags.  Hillary Clinton harvests adrenochrome from infants’ glands and snorts it to get high, then bathes in their blood and eats their bodies for dinner.  It’s all recycled Protocols of the Elders of Zion garbage—anti-semitism of the worst kind is rife in Qanon land.  They’ll tell you about the synagogue of Satan.  Also that JFK Jr. has been alive all along and is hiding out to help Trump save the world.  Yesterday a video turned up in my feed—a woman ranting that Obama ordered 65,000 hot dogs delivered to the White House, only they weren’t hot dogs because everyone knows that’s pedophile code for children.

Just a couple of days ago, Q let his fans know that soon he’ll reveal information about a secret race of reptilian humanoid hybrids who exist on earth.  They’ll lap it up and they won’t question it.  I might consider them pathetic, but it’s very hard to feel any sympathy for (supposed) thinking adults who even entertain such insanity, much less fall headlong into it.

It’s a crazy, insane cult, but I wouldn’t care if it weren’t so prevalent.  Go look at the line outside Trump’s last rally.  It was filled with people wearing Q shirts.  When Trump used his hands, they said he was tracing a Q in the air as coded messages.  Yesterday the Twitter account for the Unplanned movie (pro-life) tweeted out Q crap. This lunatic shit is in danger of taking over the right.  It’s concerning.  You aren’t aware because you believe in staying in a safe little bubble. 

The shyster, PrayingMedic, who’s likely behind it, is making out selling “healing classes”.  And books instructing you on astral projection (pure occultism) and how you can fly to the heavenly court and pick out your angel lawyer to argue your case before God.  If you think I’m making it up, just google.  I saw a video of the guy being interviewed by that nut Bill Mitchell.   His eyes were darting all over the place every time he was asked a question—a classic sign of someone lying his ass off.  He finished up with a threat to doxx people who challenge Q. 

Meanwhile his cult members continue to isolate themselves and drive away their families so that the only ones left to them are fellow cult members in cyberspace.  They spend their time chasing down make work clues to nothing, hoping for mass executions in the streets, and making bad-quality memes, like the kind you see at TOS, because Q told them memes are warfare.   None of the BS deadlines ever pan out, but that doesn’t matter.  They’re too invested.  And that’s how cults work.

Personally?  I think we’re being softened up.  I think it really got started with the slavish devotion the left had for Obama, and continued with the same on the right for Trump.  Now you see large numbers buying into stuff so deranged it wouldn’t make a good movie.  You know how the Bible says even the elect will be deceived?  If Obama was godlike, and Trump a global savior from nightmare evildoers, what do you think will happen when the AntiChrist shows up?  People will snap to and fall right in line.

So when I see this crazy shit taking over, I have zero patience with it.  You really should be careful, Fred.  Fear is the driving force that causes people to withdraw from the world into their safe shell.  It’s the reason they magnify politicians into supernatural demons and larger than life heroes who will save them.   You’re headed toward a dark place that’s not healthy.  God is still in control.

I think this is exaggerated. I clicked on the #qanon and #qanons hashtag in Twatter, 90% of the posts were anti-Qanon.

Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #403 on: April 05, 2019, 12:49:24 am »
I think this is exaggerated. I clicked on the #qanon and #qanons hashtag in Twatter, 90% of the posts were anti-Qanon.

@Weird Tolkienish Figure

It isn't.  Anti-Q people usually post under that tag, I guess because it's the one that comes to mind.  The Qers have a list of hashtags/slogans--#TheStormIsComing, #TheStormIsUponUs, @QSentMe, #Qarmy, #GreatAwakening, #WWG1WGA (where we go one we go all), #MAGA.  They can be found posting under those.
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Online bigheadfred

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #404 on: April 05, 2019, 12:54:41 am »
@Weird Tolkienish Figure

It isn't.  Anti-Q people usually post under that tag, I guess because it's the one that comes to mind.  The Qers have a list of hashtags/slogans--#TheStormIsComing, #TheStormIsUponUs, @QSentMe, #Qarmy, #GreatAwakening, #WWG1WGA (where we go one we go all), #MAGA.  They can be found posting under those.

Thanks for proving me right.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #405 on: April 05, 2019, 12:56:57 am »
Thanks for proving me right.


I have no idea what you mean. 
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #406 on: April 05, 2019, 01:17:03 am »

I have no idea what you mean.

I know. That is because you are looking in the other direction.

So you can't see what I see. I can't tell you, I can't warn you. I can't help you. Turn around.

Precisely you have spent enough time on Twitter to "know" the hashtags. You've done the research.  You've forgotten yourself. Good for you.

She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline Sanguine

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #407 on: April 05, 2019, 01:23:36 am »
I'd rather kill this thread.   :MiniGun:

Offline EdJames

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #408 on: April 05, 2019, 01:39:27 am »
I'd rather kill this thread.   :MiniGun:

It certainly is a gem.   :whistle:

Online bigheadfred

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #409 on: April 05, 2019, 01:46:42 am »
I'd rather kill this thread.   :MiniGun:

Tell me how.

Not locked.

She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Online bigheadfred

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #410 on: April 05, 2019, 01:49:03 am »
@mystery-ak  @Cyber Liberty ,

Tell me how to delete this thread.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline Cyber Liberty

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #411 on: April 05, 2019, 02:00:52 am »
@mystery-ak  @Cyber Liberty ,

Tell me how to delete this thread.

Why would you want to do that for, @bigheadfred?  There are a lot of Member posts....
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #412 on: April 05, 2019, 02:10:26 am »
I know. That is because you are looking in the other direction.

So you can't see what I see. I can't tell you, I can't warn you. I can't help you. Turn around.

Precisely you have spent enough time on Twitter to "know" the hashtags. You've done the research.  You've forgotten yourself. Good for you.


I’m on Twitter most days.  Also Tumblr.  Also Instagram.  Guess I’m doomed, huh?
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Online bigheadfred

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #413 on: April 05, 2019, 03:04:11 am »

I’m on Twitter most days.  Also Tumblr.  Also Instagram.  Guess I’m doomed, huh?

And that makes you a better person how?

I'm serious.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #414 on: April 05, 2019, 12:25:36 pm »

I’m on Twitter most days.  Also Tumblr.  Also Instagram.  Guess I’m doomed, huh?

Twitter is a horrible place filled with awful people. I stay away personally.

Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #415 on: April 05, 2019, 12:53:11 pm »
And that makes you a better person how?

I'm serious.

Lol, it doesn’t.  Just like posting here doesn’t make me a better person.  It’s all just people using one platform or another to yak at each other.   You filter out what you don’t want and you make use of what you like.  Sometimes you engage with ideas you disagree with, and that’s a good thing.  I agree with Dana Loesch when she said conservatives need to get past the tendency to dismiss & run from social media.  Nothing is going to get changed by holing up in a safe echo chamber. 

I’ve been on Tumblr for years.  It’s known as an outlet for sjws but it’s a lot more than that.  The site is fantastic for graphics, art, aesthetics.  It’s helped me get back into writing and, hopefully, drawing if I ever master the digital art app I bought.  I have good friends there, some from other countries. 

I signed up on Instagram because a friend wanted me to, posted a few pics, followed a few people, and that’s about it.  I pop into the app every day to scroll through my feed and like whatever. 

Twitter is for news, for some of the people I know from Tumblr, and for pricking morons if I’m in the mood.  My favorite thing is the animal feeds and stupid humor accounts. 

All of those platforms have value.  I control how I use them and how much time I allow them.  When I sign up anywhere, I never use my real name, including as a username,  and when asked for a birthdate to register I make one up.  I’m telling you all of this not to justify my usage, but to explain that social media is not wholly malignant.  You’re taking it far too seriously.

I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #416 on: April 05, 2019, 12:56:15 pm »
Twitter is a horrible place filled with awful people. I stay away personally.

@Weird Tolkienish Figure

Yeah, it’s true, but the reverse is also true.  Haven’t I seen you there lately?  I follow you, lol.
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #417 on: April 05, 2019, 02:02:08 pm »
@Weird Tolkienish Figure

Yeah, it’s true, but the reverse is also true.  Haven’t I seen you there lately?  I follow you, lol.

Well... I try to stay away I must say. But I stand by the rest of what I say.

Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #418 on: April 05, 2019, 03:32:23 pm »
Well... I try to stay away I must say. But I stand by the rest of what I say.

Like I said, I agree.  But there’s a good side to it, too, same as wherever humans gather.  There was the guy with the bakery whose son helped him get business.  I’ve seen missing people located, criminals found, pets brought home.  James Woods devotes a lot of his time to that kind of stuff.  He and others were fantastic during the most recent wildfires in California.  People had no way to evacuate their horses, and Twitter organized chains of people with trailers to get them out.
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

Online bigheadfred

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #419 on: April 06, 2019, 06:03:27 am »
Like I said, I agree.  But there’s a good side to it, too, same as wherever humans gather.  There was the guy with the bakery whose son helped him get business.  I’ve seen missing people located, criminals found, pets brought home.  James Woods devotes a lot of his time to that kind of stuff.  He and others were fantastic during the most recent wildfires in California.  People had no way to evacuate their horses, and Twitter organized chains of people with trailers to get them out.

Yeah. It is a parade.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Online bigheadfred

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #420 on: April 06, 2019, 06:39:53 am »
This is an info thread.

On a Forum.

noun: forum; plural noun: forums; plural noun: fora

    a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

Stupid people doing stupid shit.

@Sanguine  @QueenCatofAragon @Weird Tolkienish Figure

No people to people.

Get on your virtual MD app. Order all yout shit on line. But be so aware and prevalent with Twitter, FB, Instagram, Tumblr. Steemit, Youtube,

Get on your getting on. Without ever having to talk to a person. Face to face.

Trials of the robot, which has a top speed of 10 mph, will begin later this year

From where I work over to the hospital where my wife is at is big stupid loop. There was a guy going down the sidewalk in a motorized wheelchair. He had a sign on the back. Top speed:
3 1/2 MPH.

LOL. A man that lives. In the world where he is not worthy. Dead meat.

Why don't we machine gun his ass down so Fedex can get by to deliver your shit? @Sanguine @Cyber Liberty

Why don't we machine gun down all the people who NEED to pass him by?

She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline QueenCatofAragon

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #421 on: April 06, 2019, 11:17:55 am »
Fred, you aren’t making sense.
I say this to Beto fans, Trump fans, all fans of politicians: it is un-American, ridiculous, and dangerous to be a fan of a politician. They aren't pop stars. Support them if you agree with their policies. Criticize them when they go wrong. They are servants, not celebrities. —— Matt Walsh

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #422 on: April 06, 2019, 03:12:16 pm »
Fred, you aren’t making sense.

It was late and he's worried about the Missus. 
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #423 on: April 06, 2019, 03:18:40 pm »
Why don't we machine gun his ass down so Fedex can get by to deliver your shit? @Sanguine @Cyber Liberty

Why don't we machine gun down all the people who NEED to pass him by?

I never thought of it in those terms. :shrug:

Up here at the Castle the only access is a driveway, a couple hundred feet of steep incline.  Motorized wheelchairs can't climb it.  It's the next-best thing to a moat.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 03:19:30 pm by Cyber Liberty »
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
Castillo del Cyber Autonomous Zone ~~~~~>                          :dontfeed:

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Re: They Asked if People Would Rather Kill a Human or a Sentient Robot
« Reply #424 on: April 06, 2019, 03:21:36 pm »
I never thought of it in those terms. :shrug:

Up here at the Castle the only access is a driveway, a couple hundred feet of steep incline.  Motorized wheelchairs can't climb it.  It's the next-best thing to a moat.

Well,, come the apocalypse, you're safe from zombies with mobility issues...
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis