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Online John Semmens

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SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: February 10, 2019 Edition
« on: February 09, 2019, 07:46:47 am »
Green New Deal: Time Travel to the Past

This week the lunatic caucus of the Democratic Party unveiled its touted “Green New Deal” plan to save the planet. Key features of the plan include putting an end to air travel, eliminating meat from the human diet, rebuilding every human structure, ending carbon emissions, getting rid of fossil-fueled automobiles, and providing a guaranteed income for people unwilling to work.

The plan's primary architect Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) dismissed criticism contending that her plan is impractical by pointing out that “the sacrifices we are calling for are most certainly feasible. Abraham Lincoln never flew on an airplane. Hitler was a vegetarian. There was a time when every human lived in a cave and all food was consumed raw. Walking is a healthier method of travel than riding in automobiles. And ensuring that everyone is provided for will eradicate the last vestiges of wage-slavery.”

Ocasio-Cortez boasted that "the next president of the United States has already signed on as a backer of my plan." Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif) declared herself "a proud co-sponsor of the Green New Deal" and rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination Sen. Cory Booker (NJ), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Obama Administration Sec. of Housing & Urban Development Julián Castro, and former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (Texas) have also endorsed the plan.

Potential contender former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, said that he would propose his own "Greenish New Deal," which he maintains "is a less pie in the sky and more affordable path to the same basic objective. In my plan we simply outlaw gun ownership by the law-abiding portion of the population and allow the criminal elements of society to cull the human herd."

Planned Parenthood Pushes "Care for All"

Encouraged by the "courageous and visionary leadership of Governors Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and Ralph Northam (D-Virginia)" Planned Parenthood (PP) announced a major push for similar legislation in every state.

PP spokesperson Adora Slaughter said "decisive action at the state level is needed to counter the possibility that the next Trump appointee to the Supreme Court tips the balance in favor of undesirable revisions or 'clarifications' of the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. As we saw from Trump's State of the Union speech, he is not averse to using lurid language denigrating the medically necessary dismemberment of what he called 'beautiful babies' in late term abortions. We cannot supinely await the negative political outcome of such an emotional appeal to abridge a woman's most precious civil right."

"We are going on the offensive with a multi-million dollar campaign in more than half the states to expand and enhance abortion rights," Slaughter bragged. "We are grateful that the half-billion in federal aid we receive each year gives us the financial resources to make our liberating message heard throughout the land."

Meanwhile, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the four liberal members of the Supreme Court to block enforcement of a Louisiana law requiring that abortion clinics have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. "Inasmuch as the new law in New York permits non-doctors to perform abortions it isn't clear that requiring hospital admitting privileges would be practical," Roberts said. "Further, since Planned Parenthood's information and lobbying outreach campaign had not yet been launched before the Louisiana law was enacted, their state legislators were denied the opportunity to hear an important opposing message before they hastily acted."

Don't Take "Death to America" Personal

Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei advised "ordinary Americans" to "not take the 'death to America' slogan personal. It is aimed at your country's leaders—Trump, Pompeo, Bolton and the like. They are the ones we demand be killed. Commoners would be judged on a case-by-case basis. As long as they have not committed any crimes against Islamic law, obey their Islamic rulers, and either convert or pay the jizya and feel themselves subdued most will probably survive."

Khamenei also warned Europeans "to not get too uppity. Just because we do not chant death to France or Germany, for example, doesn't mean we are pleased with their actions. France, as a case in point, has been unfairly interfering with Muslims rioting in the streets against the depraved behavior of French women walking around looking like whores in revealing clothing, naked faces, arms, and legs and with no male relative chaperon them. Raping these whores, burning their cars, and vandalizing the businesses they frequent are mild consequences compared to the 'honor killings' imposed on Muslim women for lesser offenses against the Prophet's commands."

Trump Blamed for Virginia Dems' Blackface Scandal

What started out as an attempt to divert attention from Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's casual endorsement of infanticide during a radio show by hyping the discovery of a photo of a person in black face make-up standing next to another person wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood, mask and cloak in Eastern Virginia Medical School's 1984 yearbook has turned into a scandal exposing top Democrats in the state.

At first, Northam tried apologizing, but once he realized that the person in blackface was not him, he denied being either person in the photo and said he didn't know how the picture got into the yearbook. William Elwood who was a page designer for the yearbook explained that "each student submitted a sealed envelope of photos and other materials intended to appear on his page. At no time since 1984 did Dr. Northam complain about what was on his page."

After several prominent Virginia Democrats called for Northam's resignation news emerged that Leiutenant-Governor Justin Fairfax (D), who would succeed him, has been accused of sexually assaulting two women—one at Duke University in 2000 and one at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and Attorney-General Mark Herring (D) who initially called for Northam's resignation and is next in the line of succession after Fairfax, has admitted wearing blackface make-up as a teenager in 1980, but maintained "it was something we all did back in those days. No one was ever hurt in any of the simulated lynchings. We were just having a little fun."

Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) blames President Trump for this "sorry display of bigotry. He contributed to the vile environment that led these young men astray back in the 1980s. Why, just the other night he bragged that his policies have forced a historically high percentage of Blacks off of unemployment and into the workforce. He's this era's Simon Legree and proud of it. This is further proof that that man must be impeached and removed from office."

Booker to Oppose Trump Judicial Nominee

After a series of obnoxious questions probing the breadth and depth of judicial nominee Neomi Rao's knowledge of the sexual orientation of those who have worked for her at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) pronounced her "unqualified to serve on any court."

"Her publicly admitted ignorance about the sex lives of those she works with reveals a willful refusal to get involved in the most important aspect of modern life," Booker asserted. "Her claim to be focused on her employees' competence and performance at their jobs to the exclusion of taking an interest whether they are gay, bi, transgender, or other strikes me as unacceptably narrow and professional. It's bad enough that she is already a government employee in a supervisory position. It is inconceivable that she should ever be trusted to be a judge."

"Ms. Rao's insistence that other people's sex lives are none of her business runs counter to the kind of progressive society we're trying to build in America," the Senator argued. "Ideally, we should be as openly transparent as dogs are when they meet other dogs. They don't feign disinterest. They get right down to sniffing each other's hindquarters. If we were as honest as dogs we'd all admit that this is what we'd like to do ourselves. A person like Rao is clearly feigning disinterest. This type of dishonesty makes her unfit to be a judge."

Maduro Repels US Interference in Venezuela's Weight Loss Program

Efforts by the United States to send food to starving Venezuelans were blocked by order of President Nicolas Maduro. "Our policies have enabled our citizens to lose an average of more than 40 lbs. each over the past two years," he boasted. "We have achieved objectives that the morbidly obese Americans envy and resent."

"The key is to remove the opportunity to eat," Maduro explained. "The 'empty stores' initiative we implemented largely accomplished this goal. It has also had the salutary added benefit of getting our people to eat garbage and keep almost all of the country's edible waste from going to waste. This has made us more efficient and has helped clean up our environment."

Opposition leader Juan Guaidó denounced Maduro's refusal to let the food aid through, saying that "hundreds of thousands are on the verge to starving to death without it. We had hoped that the Army would side with the people and disobey his orders to blockade the food aid, but they have so far sided with Maduro because he lets them murder whoever they want."

NY Guv Considering Supporting Construction of a Wall

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is reported to be leaning toward supporting the construction of a wall around his state's borders. "We are facing a major fiscal crisis," he said. "Our state's high tax rates have encouraged many of our highest earning residents to move to other states. We may need a wall to impede further attempts to escape paying these taxes."

Cuomo is said to be impressed by the Berlin Wall's long period of success in deterring those living in Communist East Germany from escaping to capitalist West Germany in the nearly three decades of its existence following its 1961 construction. Made of basic concrete blocks, bolstered with razor wire and manned by well-armed guards, it prevented nearly 100% of those trying to leave from succeeding.

NY State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) said he shares the Governor's concerns, but wondered if a wall, per se was the best approach. "If we build a wall wouldn't that undermine our Party's objection to Trump's wall on the Mexican border?" Heastie wondered. "Wouldn't pre-dawn raids on the homes of residents suspected of planning to flee be more effective? The element of surprise and the sense of terror such raids would instill strikes me as a more flexible option than a static wall. Besides, while we're there we could just seize whatever money or other items of value might be lying around."

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Re: SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: February 10, 2019 Edition
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2019, 04:25:34 pm »
Principles matter. Words matter.

Online John Semmens

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Re: SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: February 10, 2019 Edition
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2019, 10:51:18 pm »