Author Topic: Dr Steven Greer 21 NOV 2015 How Secret Gov Works: Most Explosive Expose 3 Hrs  (Read 2274 times)

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Offline Quix

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This is one of the more revelatory talks I've viewed of Dr Greer's.

I need to ponder it a bit more.

One of his newer reveals in this talk is the degree of emphasis and detail he provides on the GOVERNMENT'S SCRIPTED HOAXED "ET ABDUCTIONS" and related False Flags, executions, etc. etc. etc.

including using directed energy uses; California manufactured chip implants that can also manage mind control of the people they are implanted in.

Technological facilitated or caused 'remote viewing'

Man-made UFO's . . .

The abduction of the head of the UN in that incident in NYC was evidently a government ran op and not an ET op . . . to shut down Reagan & Gorbachev's planned disclosure.

etc. etc. etc.

I don't doubt that the bulk of his facts and sources are authentic and reasonably accurate.

I still do not believe his assertions that all ET's are benign.

I still believe he has been snookered on that score.


He is also calling out individuals working in unacknowledged special access projects to come out--to defect. He notes that such projects operating without Presidential etc. knowledge are ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL etc. and for those projects in those certain projects cannot legally be prosecuted.

He has a protocol for defecting safely etc. etc.

He also talks about the government creating, manufacturing bio-technological fake ET's on an assembly line--in part at Pine Gap, Australia.

Talks about a major project of fear-mongering for population manipulation.

Says animal mutilations are human--for fear-mongering and to collect biological materials with which to create the bio-technological creatures.

Talked about a major top level French project to out some of this stuff in terms of contact with the real ET's.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 07:49:29 am by Quix »
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