Author Topic: Trump makes strong case for more fencing without offering amnesties or more foreign workers to get  (Read 311 times)

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Trump makes strong case for more fencing without offering amnesties or more foreign workers to get it

Tue, Feb 5th 2019 @ 10:43 pm EST  by  Roy Beck

For the moment, I have to say that I was relieved when the President got through his long State of the Union section on immigration.

There had been so much talk about the possibility of a big new announcement and about the efforts of at least a few inside the White House to put together some kind of new comprehensive compromise plan, I was braced for some major backtracking. I breathed a sigh of relief when he moved on to the trade issue without offering an amnesty or asking for larger guest worker programs.

I preferred what he said in last year's SOTU address which dealt much more with the broad issues of immigration, while this year was mainly about law and order. But after the long partial government shutdown, it is understandable that he would use the occasion to try again to build public support for his assessment that the chaos on our southern border is a major problem.