Author Topic: Linda Sarsour still hasn’t given most of the money she raised for Jews to those Jews  (Read 371 times)

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Linda Sarsour still hasn’t given most of the money she raised for Jews to those Jews
By Pamela Geller - on January 14, 2019
Advancing Islamic Lies

No one should be surprised by this. Sarsour staged a narcissistic publicity stunt when hundreds of Jewish gravestones were desecrated and destroyed at various cemeteries (most likely by her coreligionists); Sarsour glommed onto the news story and made it her own. She jumped on a campaign to raise money to repair the the vandalism (and her reputation due to her long history of antisemitism).

Sarsour hijacked the horror for her own personal aggrandizement, and the elite media ate it up.

The campaign — named “Muslims Unite to Repair Jewish Cemetery” — had raised $162,468 through the Muslim crowdfunding site LaunchGood, far beyond its set goal of $20,000. But only 30% of the proceeds were disbursed, while designated cemeteries pleaded for promised funds. Their calls were met with deafening silence.