Author Topic: When do we start calling it a 'police state'?  (Read 369 times)

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When do we start calling it a 'police state'?
« on: February 03, 2019, 12:57:55 pm »
February 3, 2019
When do we start calling it a 'police state'?
By John Dietrich

The raid on Roger Stone’s house would be considered ridiculous and worthy of a Keystone Kops episode if it were not so frightening.  Imagine yourself responsible for arresting a 66 year old, non-violent, offender.  If he is alerted he might destroy evidence.  It is important to catch him by surprise. What would you do? You might send three officers. Two officers would knock on the front door and announce themselves.  One officer could cover the back of the home in the unlikely event the subject attempted to flee.  The three men could accomplish the stated mission without a problem. What took place at the Stone residence?

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Re: When do we start calling it a 'police state'?
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2019, 12:59:38 pm »
If the raid had been on a democrat it would have been leaked, first of all.  Secondly, it would have been carried out in a MUCH different way, a kinder and gentler way. :whistle: