Author Topic: Sean Hannity: If Roger Stone’s arrest is a sign of things to come, we’ve lost our country. Say goodb  (Read 242 times)

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Sean Hannity: If Roger Stone’s arrest is a sign of things to come, we’ve lost our country. Say goodbye. 

By Sean Hannity

Published January 30, 2019
Fox News

With all the people we know who lied to Congress – former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, ex-CIA Director John Brennan, the folks who lied to the FISA court and years of scandals like Fast and Furious, IRS targeting conservatives and Hillary Clinton's missing emails, it's good to know the feds finally got their man.

Roger Stone, who is being charged not with Russia collusion, but the process crime of lying to Congress, was targeted for the same reason U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis said they went after Paul Manafort and the same reason they tried to bankrupt Gen. Michael Flynn. They want to put the screws to Stone, who is 66, to make him sing or compose against Trump. That’s the only reason.