Author Topic: Notre Dame Alum Removes Alma Mater From Will Over Columbus Mural Decision  (Read 638 times)

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Notre Dame Alum Removes Alma Mater From Will Over Columbus Mural Decision

Authored By Spencer Brown

January 23, 2019

Late last month, liberals at the University of Wisconsin- Madison slapped together a pathetic petition asking the school to denounce…

In the wake of Notre Dame President John Jenkins’ inane decision to cover murals on campus depicting Christopher Columbus, one alumnus dispatched a letter to President Jenkins to express their disappointment. The alumnus subsequently notified the Notre Dame Young Americans for Freedom Chapter of the decision to cut ties with Notre Dame:

“I am a graduate of the EMBA program at Notre Dame. Fr. Jenkins has received a letter from me taking on his decision about the murals. I also informed Fr. Jenkins that, after making significant donations since graduation, I have resigned from the Cardinal O’Hara Society, will release season football tickets and make no further donations, as well as take Notre Dame out of my will. A similar letter went to the head of the O’Hara society.