Author Topic: Technology doesn't win wars. Why the US pretends it does.  (Read 328 times)

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Technology doesn't win wars. Why the US pretends it does.
« on: January 28, 2019, 12:24:44 pm »

Technology doesn't win wars. Why the US pretends it does.

Hollywood's notions of future wars may be nothing like the real ones.
Sean Mcfate
27 January, 2019

    Wars of the future will not even look like wars to the traditional mind. The worst threat is systemic. It's growing entropy in the global system.

    Today, when Russia wants to shake up Europe — the world — its operatives weaponize refugees. That is, by bombing civilian centers, they create an avalanche of refugees, which, in turn, creates Brexit and the rise of right-wing national parties that want to disembowel the European Union.

    High-tech is not the savior that many futurists pretend it is when it comes to warfare. As a matter of fact, McFate contends, much of our investment in it is ludicrous. "You know, we have not fought, we have not had a strategic dogfight since the Korean War. So why do we need more fighter jets? I do not know. . . . We've spent $1.5 trillion on the F-35. That's more than Russia's GDP."