Author Topic: Newt Gingrich: The surprising thing Trump and Lincoln have in common  (Read 219 times)

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Newt Gingrich: The surprising thing Trump and Lincoln have in common

By Newt Gingrich

Published January 24, 2019
Fox News

Trump has faced more media hostility than any president since Lincoln. (AP)

I told President Trump recently that no president since Abraham Lincoln has faced the kind of unending bias and hostility from the media that he is living through.

The Media Research Center has reported that from last June 1 to Sept. 30 it monitored the TV network evening news programs on ABC, CBS and NBC and found that 92 percent of news coverage of President Trump during this period was negative. The center called this “the most hostile coverage of a President in TV history.”

In fact, overall news coverage of the president in the news media has been negative since he took office in January 2017, with only a few exceptions.