Author Topic: Health freedom ALERT: Oregon about to pass a law that would mandate government surveillance of your  (Read 631 times)

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Health freedom ALERT: Oregon about to pass a law that would mandate government surveillance of your newborn baby in your own home

Sunday, January 20, 2019 by: Tracey Watson   

(Natural News) Every new parent feels some measure of anxiety about their newborn. Babies don’t come with instruction manuals, and ensuring that they are well fed, safe and happy can feel overwhelming at times. For this reason, many families get help from parents, in-laws or others in the early days, as the new little family settles into a good routine. Ultimately, within a few weeks, taking care of a baby feels simple, easy and natural and, despite the lack of instructions, parents do figure things out.

What parents do not need when they take their babies home from the hospital is unwanted governmental interference and oversight. And yet that is precisely what Oregon Governor Kate Brown is pushing for. Brown’s latest proposed budget includes Senate Bill 526, which mandates that the Oregon Health Authority urgently “study home visiting by licensed health care providers.” In a bid to expedite the bill, lawmakers have labeled it an “emergency” in need of urgent resolution by the end of the year. The 18 sponsors of the bill claim that it is “necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety.”