Author Topic: The Best Friend Nazis and White Supremacists Have Is the Liberal Media  (Read 276 times)

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The Best Friend Nazis and White Supremacists Have Is the Liberal Media
John Hawkins   
25 Aug, 2018 by John Hawkins   

Did you hear about the second Unite the Right white supremacist rally in D.C.? You must have heard about it because it was all over the news. In fact, it was so well covered by the media that there were more reporters at the event than white supremacists.

Notice that according to this guy, who does photos for the Washington Post, there were more reporters than participants at this wildly hyped white supremacist rally. It is also worth noting that he rather casually conflates white supremacists with Trump supporters as if there is no difference between them. Let’s break that down because it’s very significant.

First of all, the white supremacist movement in America is tiny. Even the habitually dishonest Southern Poverty Law Center, which works incessantly to hype up the threat of hate groups, admits that there are only 5,000-8,000 Klansmen in America. It doesn’t even take a crack at estimating the number of Nazis, which tells you there are even fewer of them. This is out of a nation of 328 million people. So, if you’re talking about the actual percentage of Americans who believe white people are superior to other races based on the color of their skin and feel strongly enough about it to join organizations dedicated to that fact, we’re talking about an infinitesimal number of people. Just as a point of comparison, the anti-white, anti-Semitic Nation of Islam is estimated to have somewhere between 20,000-50,000 members and its leader Louis Farrakhan has appeared on stage with numerous Democrats in Congress. He even posed for a picture with future President Barack Obama.