Author Topic: Silence of the Dems  (Read 264 times)

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Silence of the Dems
« on: January 17, 2019, 01:11:11 pm »

Posted on January 16, 2019 by Scott Johnson
Silence of the Dems

Victor Davis Hanson brings his scholarly temperament and detachment to what he calls “The new, new anti-Semitism.” The new, new anti-Semitism has manifested itself in the House of Representatives, but I seriously doubt that it will be discussed or condemned there any time soon. Professor Hanson deserves a Pulitzer Prize for commentary, but that won’t be happening any time soon either.

Doing the job that the Star Tribune refuses to do, Professor Hanson even gives us a glimpse of the local Minnesota angle:

    Michigan’s new congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, assumed she’d face little pushback from her party when she tweeted out the old slur that Jewish supporters of Israel have dual loyalties: Opponents of the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement, which targets Israel, “forgot what country they represent,” she said. Ironically, Tlaib is not shy about her own spirited support of the Palestinians: She earlier had won some attention for an eliminationist map in her office that had the label “Palestine” pasted onto the Middle East, with an arrow pointing to Israel.