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Online Right_in_Virginia

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A License To Hate
« on: January 16, 2019, 11:46:40 pm »
A License To Hate
Hoover Institution, Jan 16, 2019, Victor Davis Hanson

Recently on CNN, former Republican politico and now Never Trump cable new analyst Rick Wilson characterized Donald Trump’s supporters as his “credulous rube ten-toothed base.”

Wilson was not original in his smear of the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump. He was likely resonating an earlier slander of Politico reporter Marco Caputo. The latter had tweeted of the crowd he saw at a Trump rally: “If you put everyone’s mouths together in this video, you’d get a full set of teeth.”

Was the point of these stereotypes that poor white working-class people who supposedly voted for the controversial Trump understandably ate improperly, did not practice proper dental hygiene, or did not visit dentists—or all three combined?

When challenged, Caputo doubled down on his invective. He snarled, “Oh no! I made fun of garbage people jeering at another person as they falsely accused him of lying and flipped him off. Someone fetch a fainting couch.”

Caputo’s “Garbage people” was also a synonym for the smears that two career FBI agents on separate occasions had called the archetypical Trump voters.

In the released trove of the Department of Justice text communications involving the Clinton email probe, an unidentified FBI employee had texted to another FBI attorney his abject contempt for the proverbial Trump voter and indeed middle America itself: “Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS [“pieces of sh*t”].” In fact, Trump in 2016 received about 90 percent of all Republican votes, about the same ratio as won by both recent presidential candidates John McCain and Mitt Romney.

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Online Right_in_Virginia

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Re: A License To Hate
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2019, 11:47:33 pm »

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Re: A License To Hate
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2019, 07:37:46 am »
"Was the point of these stereotypes that poor white working-class people who supposedly voted for the controversial Trump understandably ate improperly, did not practice proper dental hygiene, or did not visit dentists—or all three combined?"

They're POOR because the Rats punitive, thieving tax scams have kept them poor.

Medicare does not pay for dentistry unless it's a major medical need, otherwise it's dismissed as cosmetic.

If you have dental coverage, suck in your breath when you look over your bills, and imagine paying them yourself because you can't afford the private Insurance.
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Offline goatprairie

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Re: A License To Hate
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2019, 12:52:22 pm »
To be sure they hate Trump with a red hot passion, but those types like Caputo have always hated conservatives going back as far as I can remember.
I remember reading an interview Garrison Keillor did with some Twin Cities reporter a few decades ago when during the interview Keillor went into a deranged rant about Republicans after being asked about some local political race in Minnesota. He didn't just slam the Republican in the race, he went into a tirade directed at all Republicans.
I was a fan of Keillor's at the time (and still voted mostly Dem,) and he had always put on this (fake) image of the genial storyteller who related heartwarming stories about the folks in the hinterland. So it was more than a little disturbing to me to see that Keillor had a deep psychological problem that he had successfully hid from the public.
Behind the smiling facade of many liberals is a deep hatred for their fellow Americans, like me, who don't toe the liberal line. You hater you.