Author Topic: Socialist Democrats and their Illegal Alien Brethren  (Read 353 times)

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Socialist Democrats and their Illegal Alien Brethren
« on: January 13, 2019, 10:28:06 pm »
Socialist Democrats and their Illegal Alien Brethren
Canada Free Press, Jan 13, 2019, Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh


There is a limit how many illegal invaders a country can absorb before it is no longer a nation but a socialist hellhole where the invaders vote for their free fair share of our confiscated stuff. As the progressive Mayor De Blasio said in his State of the City address, “Brothers and sisters, there’s plenty of money in the world. There’s plenty of money in this city. It’s just in the wrong hands.” Socialists are very fond of redistributing other people’s money and wealth but not their own.

Liberals have asked me why a foreigner like me is against immigration. Illegal aliens are “undocumented Americans” but I, a legal American, am still a “foreigner.”

One problem with that question is that I am a naturalized American who assimilated into this country and learned the language which is something illegal aliens are not likely to do as they reject our language and our culture vehemently, they only want our welfare. They know very little about our country’s history and civics, vote illegally, and thus negatively affect the transformation of our nation into the third world corrupt dictatorship they’ve fled.

Some of these illegal economic migrants are illiterate, can’t read or write in their own dialects, and are therefore no asset to America They are not making it better with their presence; they are a drag on society. They depress wages and it costs our society too much money to care for them from cradle to grave. Once here, the chain migration explodes, each new addition becomes a ward of the state and of the taxpayers who must work more in order to pay for them. It is in essence a form of slavery for the American people to support illegals who never assimilate.

The second problem with that question is that I am not against immigration; this country is a melting pot of legal immigrants from all over the world who helped make this country great. Illegal immigration is breaking the law.

Millions of legal immigrants have waited patiently in quarantine at Ellis Island before they were admitted to this country. Being healthy and willing to contribute without the benefit of generous welfare was important for the health of the nation.  But now liberals have decided that unvetted, criminal, dangerous, and sick individuals from around the world should come freely into our country infecting our children in schools and the population at large with diseases that had been previously eradicated in this country.
