Author Topic: In-depth article on the history of racism in the Democrat party  (Read 1610 times)

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In-depth article on the history of racism in the Democrat party
« on: January 11, 2019, 08:03:04 pm »
Excerpt from an article I wrote recently with a link to the article. It is a long read but well worth it. There are lots reputable citations placed throughout so this is definitely a "matter-of-fact resource. Spread the truth. 

"One of the biggest arguments against the Democratic Party is centered around racism, so we ask the question, are the Democrats racist?

Through-out the years, their members/affiliates have made blatant and also subtle racist remarks which the party does not deny (mostly). The interesting part, though, is that their main line of defense is a claim that doesn’t really have any grounds to it. The claim is that the Democratic and Republican parties have at some point switched stances in terms of racism.

So, after 45 hours of research, I’ve compiled the data and have arrived at a logical destination. Now I present it to you…"
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