Author Topic: Pentagon Reviewing Border Wall Construction Options, Should Trump Declare National Emergency  (Read 364 times)

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Pentagon Reviewing Border Wall Construction Options, Should Trump Declare National Emergency
By Lindsay Thomaston  |  January 10, 2019  |  5:29pm

According to USA Today, the Pentagon is preparing for the potential construction of a border wall amid the ongoing government shutdown.

“The Department of Defense is reviewing available authorities and funding mechanisms to identify options to enable border barrier construction,” said Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Bill Speaks in a statement. “As there has not been such a declaration made, it would be inappropriate to comment further on those efforts.”

President Trump is currently considering declaring a state of national emergency, should Democrats continue refusing to meet his demands for a $5.7 billion border wall. Backing for the wall would pull from Pentagon funds for military construction and family housing if Trump follows through.