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I hoping this is FAKE news otherwise; this IS exactly why this President can't get what he needs to do done.  Because of the damn RINO's in Congress who refuse to stick together; they run away sucking their thumbs!!  IDIOTS!!! DACA will ensure that they are NEVER seated again!!!  Amnesty WILL ensure that the GOP dies!! 9999hair out0000 9999hair out0000 9999hair out0000  P.S. Kushner (jack-a** and 1/2)  is involved in this!!! No Surprise!!

IF this Senate that has a slightly larger majority folds; it's over.  We lose.  We lose this country.

Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown

Staring at a prolonged government shutdown, Republican senators are privately planning to court Democratic senators on an immigration deal that would give President Donald Trump money for his border wall and include several measures long-sought by Democrats, according to sources familiar with the matter.

After Trump stormed out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders, GOP senators privately gathered in Sen. Lindsey Graham's office Wednesday to discuss a way out of the logjam. The long-shot idea: propose an immigration deal that would include $5.7 billion for Trump's border wall along with several provisions that could entice Democrats.

Those items include changes to help those who are a part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program as well as immigrants from El Salvador and other countries impacted by the Temporary Protected Status program - along with modifications to H-2B visas.

....He did not say Trump would endorse such a plan...............

« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 03:19:45 pm by MOD8 »
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Offline libertybele

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2019, 03:50:05 pm »
Lindsey and pals cutting a deal is NOT what we need.  They need to ALL stand behind this President.  No wall, the DEMS should get NOTHING!!
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Offline Jazzhead

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2019, 03:55:37 pm »
Immigration reform - which is sorely needed - and normalization of the "Dreamers" - which is not "amnesty" - are certainly cards we can play in order to get the funding necessary for physical border security.   I have no objection to seeking a deal,  only to negotiating a bad deal.    Trump's position is crystal clear - deal or no deal, there must be funding for a physical barrier.    The way things are supposed to work is we get something and they get something.   I'd trade DACA for the wall any day.   

But it takes two to tango.  If the Dems won't deal, then then it's on to the emergency declaration.   
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2019, 03:57:53 pm »
No wall, the DEMS should get NOTHING!!

Of course.  But that's not the point.   In a proper negotiation,  we get something (the wall) and the Dems get something too.   I'd trade DACA for the wall in a heartbeat.  Why wouldn't you? 

GOP senators pitched the idea to senior White House adviser Jared Kushner, who said if they came up with a proposal that got Trump his border wall money and could pass the Senate, the White House would be open to more discussions on the matter, the source said. He did not say Trump would endorse such a plan. 

I see no problem with this.  Trump's position is firm - he wants wall funding.   So long as he and the GOP stick to that fundamental requirement,  let's see whether there can be a deal.   
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 04:01:19 pm by Jazzhead »
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2019, 04:02:18 pm »
Of course.  But that's not the point.   In a proper negotiation,  we get something (the wall) and the Dems get something too.   I'd trade DACA for the wall in a heartbeat.  Why wouldn't you? 

I see no problem with this.  Trump's position is firm - he wants wall funding.   So long as he and the GOP stick to that fundamental requirement,  let's see whether there can be a deal.

This forum is filled with drama queens. I should watch desperate housewives to get this sort of drama.

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2019, 04:43:25 pm »
I thought this sounded like the deal the Democrats rejected about a year ago or so.

Offline libertybele

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2019, 04:51:26 pm »
Immigration reform - which is sorely needed - and normalization of the "Dreamers" - which is not "amnesty" - are certainly cards we can play in order to get the funding necessary for physical border security.   I have no objection to seeking a deal,  only to negotiating a bad deal.    Trump's position is crystal clear - deal or no deal, there must be funding for a physical barrier.    The way things are supposed to work is we get something and they get something.   I'd trade DACA for the wall any day.   

But it takes two to tango.  If the Dems won't deal, then then it's on to the emergency declaration.   

You do realize that by giving them DACA and normalization of 'Dreamers' would in essence increase the DEM voting base significantly handing them an increase in their voting base making it mathematically impossible for the GOP to be seated inf the future?

All this talk about immigration reform, e-verify, has been tossed back from the DEMS because what they truly want is the Hispanic vote and significantly overwhelming the GOP voting base.  These same Democrats were for border security and a barrier in the past.  What they want is control and power, nothing more than that.

If you want a one party system, then certainly welcome DACA and the Dreamers with open arms ... oh, and you might want to learn Spanish and be willing to assimilate to their culture, their laws and kiss the GOP and our Republic form of government and our sovereignty good bye.
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2019, 04:53:30 pm »
This forum is filled with drama queens. I should watch desperate housewives to get this sort of drama.

Okay, but the comment you quoted is anything but.

Have fun with your desperate housewives.

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2019, 05:03:50 pm »
The votes may not be there to give the Democrats nothing.

Now, here is what is to be addressed about DACA recipients,

A good portion of them will not qualify for citizenship and those who do, may not for? What is it? 15 years down the line.

So, I'm no expert but there may be more to it than just saying 5 million people will come in with chain migration and all will vote Democrat. I think it is a little bit more complex than some simple analysis. I use to see it that way too.

And in ways, we are back to what is basically, a gang of 8 proposition. I'm not saying I buy it that we should do it. I am saying that maybe some people response is overly emotional and not totally accurate either.

Offline libertybele

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2019, 05:08:03 pm »
This forum is filled with drama queens. I should watch desperate housewives to get this sort of drama.

Drama queens??  Perhaps you need to understand the facts and wake up and smell the coffee brewing:

In August 2018, USCIS estimated there were 699,350 active DACA recipients residing in the United States. Immigration researchers estimate the population to be between 690,000 and 800,000 people.  Consider, that, that figure doubles when their families are allowed in.  Also consider that most were teenagers when brought here and are now adults -- certainly of child bearing age.

There were 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2016.  Once DACA recipients are allowed to vote, that increased voting base will place DEMS in Congress that WILL  allow amnesty.  So roughly that gives the DEMS easily appx. 12,000,000 NEW voters.  Explain to me how mathematically the GOP will EVER be seated again??  They WILL be outvoted by sheer numbers. 

The DEMS have no interest in a wall. President Trump is trying to STOP Bammy's transformation of America and to retain our sovereignty.  If you think that the DEMS are merely interested in the welfare of the poor illegals, you are DEAD wrong.  Bammy brought these kids over in bus loads and strategically placed them throughout the country to increase the votes in various different voting districts that would benefit the DEMS.
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Offline Jazzhead

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2019, 05:34:03 pm »
You do realize that by giving them DACA and normalization of 'Dreamers' would in essence increase the DEM voting base significantly handing them an increase in their voting base making it mathematically impossible for the GOP to be seated inf the future?

... oh, and you might want to learn Spanish and be willing to assimilate to their culture, their laws and kiss the GOP and our Republic form of government and our sovereignty good bye.

What I realize is that you are spouting alarmist bullshit that smacks of racism.   Normalizing the "Dreamers" doesn't mean making them citizens,   certainly not at least for many years.  And Hispanic citizens aren't necessarily falling over themselves to vote Democrat because the Dems sanction illegality.   

These so-called "Dreamers" didn't violate the law in coming here, they were brought here by their parents.  Normalizing their status isn't "amnesty".    If allowing the Dreamers to stay and work here legally gets us the funding needed to effectively secure the border,  that is a political compromise that I am more than willing to make.   
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2019, 05:59:13 pm »
What I realize is that you are spouting alarmist bullshit that smacks of racism.   Normalizing the "Dreamers" doesn't mean making them citizens,   certainly not at least for many years.  And Hispanic citizens aren't necessarily falling over themselves to vote Democrat because the Dems sanction illegality.   

These so-called "Dreamers" didn't violate the law in coming here, they were brought here by their parents.  Normalizing their status isn't "amnesty".    If allowing the Dreamers to stay and work here legally gets us the funding needed to effectively secure the border,  that is a political compromise that I am more than willing to make.   

You can sugar coat things any way that you want to see them Jazz.  Peace.
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2019, 06:47:43 pm »
What I realize is that you are spouting alarmist bullshit that smacks of racism.   Normalizing the "Dreamers" doesn't mean making them citizens,   certainly not at least for many years.  And Hispanic citizens aren't necessarily falling over themselves to vote Democrat because the Dems sanction illegality.   

These so-called "Dreamers" didn't violate the law in coming here, they were brought here by their parents.  Normalizing their status isn't "amnesty".    If allowing the Dreamers to stay and work here legally gets us the funding needed to effectively secure the border,  that is a political compromise that I am more than willing to make.   

I would actually be willing to allow "dreamers" to stay with a few rules- no chain migration, anyone of them who has broken any kind of law is ineligible, no welfare, and a significant waiting period to apply for citizenship.

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2019, 06:50:53 pm »
I would actually be willing to allow "dreamers" to stay with a few rules- no chain migration, anyone of them who has broken any kind of law is ineligible, no welfare, and a significant waiting period to apply for citizenship.

I think most Republicans and Democrats would accept that.   But as things now stand,  the Dreamers are being held hostage to the Dems' political cynicism. 
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2019, 07:20:22 pm »
I would actually be willing to allow "dreamers" to stay with a few rules- no chain migration, anyone of them who has broken any kind of law is ineligible, no welfare, and a significant waiting period to apply for citizenship.

Dreamers were brought here by their parents ILLEGALLY.  Saying to 'normalize' them means to give them 'legal' explain to me what the difference is between the term 'normal' status or 'legal' status and amnesty???  As for chain migration and birthright citizenship, that has already happened; parents bringing their children, their children growing up and having children and their children are now citizens.  Do you really think once here, that their relatives don't follow??  Of course they do.

Secondly, most of them are 'undocumented', therefore, how do we prove that anyone was or wasn't brought here by their parents for any given period of time?  School records, work records, etc., would certainly be provided, but if that's the case, then they've already been given 'normalcy'.  They've worked and gone to school here, many along with their parents receive some sort of welfare.

So... how much normalcy should we give them??  The only thing that they lack is legal status to become citizens to vote.  That's it in a nutshell.  The right to vote period.  Again, that is what this is all about.  Do they not live a fairly 'normal' life?  They go to school, they utilize our doctors, hospitals, mass transit system, some have driver's licenses, they or their parents apply for welfare benefits, food stamps,  they utilize our banking system, etc.

Another question ... the 'Dreamers' were brought here illegally and most of them have parents that here illegally ... so do we grant the 'Dreamers' amnesty and deport the parents? 

What I have just laid out is an absolutely solid reason to build a wall!
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2019, 07:39:01 pm »
I would actually be willing to allow "dreamers" to stay with a few rules- no chain migration, anyone of them who has broken any kind of law is ineligible, no welfare, and a significant waiting period to apply for citizenship.

How many times?  It's not like there are a fixed number, and as soon as we give them amnesty we'll be flooded with many, many more so they can get theirs.

We could make a rule that we're only going to do this once, but what good is that?  We've already shown we won't enforce one law, so why would we enforce two?
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2019, 07:45:19 pm »
I would actually be willing to allow "dreamers" to stay with a few rules- no chain migration, anyone of them who has broken any kind of law is ineligible, no welfare, and a significant waiting period to apply for citizenship.

The Left won't hesitate to amend said waiting period.

The real issue here is that of all undocumented people residing and working in the shadows total about 30 Million people of working age.

That doesn't include their babies born and educated here, speaking a more proper English than most of the citizenry.

Among that 30M are 25Million democrat voters.

Eff that.
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2019, 08:19:17 pm »
Trump stormed. I wonder if Obama ever stormed
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2019, 08:25:08 pm »
Trump stormed. I wonder if Obama ever stormed

I believe he skipped, scurried and pranced.
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2019, 08:35:20 pm »
 ****slapping ****slapping ****slapping
I believe he skipped, scurried and pranced.
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2019, 08:55:49 pm »
This forum is filled with drama queens. I should watch desperate housewives to get this sort of drama.

Desperate Housewives? What type of effing time warp do you live in?

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2019, 09:00:23 pm »
I believe he skipped, scurried and pranced.

 :rolling:  Pranced?  Absolutely freakinglutely!!
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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2019, 02:07:40 am »
Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown

Corrected title:
Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal sellout to end shutdown

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2019, 02:43:21 pm »
I would actually be willing to allow "dreamers" to stay with a few rules- no chain migration, anyone of them who has broken any kind of law is ineligible, no welfare, and a significant waiting period to apply for citizenship.

Amen. Normalizing 800k DACA "kids", which everyone knows means eventual citizenship, translates into two or three major US cities worth of family members within a few short years. That kind of chain immigration turned California twenty years ago.

Anyone who can't grasp that either isn't trying very hard, is oblivious to the political impact or welcomes it.

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Re: Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2019, 03:18:49 pm »
Desperate Housewives? What type of effing time warp do you live in?

Or the real housewives of blah blah blah. Yes the desperate housewives went off the air years ago. Mea culpa.