Author Topic: Joe Manchin: An adviser 'is drastically misinforming' Trump and should be fired  (Read 1418 times)

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Joe Manchin: An adviser 'is drastically misinforming' Trump and should be fired
by Daniel Chaitin
 | January 08, 2019 10:17 AM

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said Tuesday he is concerned that one of President Trump's advisers are "drastically misinforming" him.

During a CNN appearance, Manchin was asked if he was worried the president will "lie" to the American people during his prime-time address to the nation on border security set to take place at 9 p.m. ET.

"I am concerned that someone is totally misinforming, and you never want to think that your president would lie or people of high positions that we depend on for day-to-day operations of the government and for the protection of our lives would ever lie to us," Manchin said. "Someone is drastically misinforming him, and I would find out who that person is, and fire them."

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Joe Manchin: An adviser 'is drastically misinforming' Trump and should be fired
by Daniel Chaitin
 | January 08, 2019 10:17 AM

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said Tuesday he is concerned that one of President Trump's advisers are "drastically misinforming" him.

During a CNN appearance, Manchin was asked if he was worried the president will "lie" to the American people during his prime-time address to the nation on border security set to take place at 9 p.m. ET.

"I am concerned that someone is totally misinforming, and you never want to think that your president would lie or people of high positions that we depend on for day-to-day operations of the government and for the protection of our lives would ever lie to us," Manchin said. "Someone is drastically misinforming him, and I would find out who that person is, and fire them."


I would love to know what information  Sen. Joe has that warrants his accusation that he feels someone is drastically misinforming the President...if he knows that someone is misinforming him, he needs to come forward with the information.  If NOT, then he needs to shut his mouth because he is purely speculating and spreading FAKE NEWS.
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Offline Sanguine

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So, when the CNN reporter asked him what Trump was being misinformed on, which should have been the very next question, what did Manchin say?

Offline XenaLee

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So, when the CNN reporter asked him what Trump was being misinformed on, which should have been the very next question, what did Manchin say?

Everything?  (just a guess)

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Everything?  (just a guess)

Looks like CNN didn't even bother to formulate and ask the question.

Offline XenaLee

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Looks like CNN didn't even bother to formulate and ask the question.

Of course they didn't.   They, like Manchin, think that Trump is misinformed or just plain wrong about .... literally...

everything.  They've exposed themselves as the hyper-partisan, incapable of impartiality, hyper-biased leftists that they've always been.   Everything is politically motivated to them.  Even (or especially) the national security of America.
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As a resident of W.Va., let me assure you that no one gives a crap what Mojo has to say about anything.

Offline jafo2010

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We have 10s of millions of illegal invading aliens, and the Dems are dumb enough to believe that is NOT a crisis.  I can't wait until the 2020 elections, because what they are doing is giving Trump enough ammo to bury them all.  2020 will be a huge defeat for the Democommies, who do not represent the USA citizens, and their efforts now scream betrayal.

Offline XenaLee

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We have 10s of millions of illegal invading aliens, and the Dems are dumb enough to believe that is NOT a crisis.  I can't wait until the 2020 elections, because what they are doing is giving Trump enough ammo to bury them all.  2020 will be a huge defeat for the Democommies, who do not represent the USA citizens, and their efforts now scream betrayal.

And let's not forget... that it is an 'orchestrated' crisis intended to do several things.  One, to stick it to Trump by creating that crisis so the rats can blame him, accuse him of being uncaring or inhumane, and to test his mettle, so to speak.  Two, to implode the welfare system, Cloward-Piven style.  Three, to create yet more Democrat voters eventually.  The rats aren't that dumb.  They know exactly what they are doing... and why they're doing it.

No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline jafo2010

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Well, rats should know it is dangerous to play with fire, and I say Trump is smarter than the whole bloody lot.  I say he buries them good and they scream uncle soon enough.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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and I say Trump is smarter than the whole bloody lot.
Trump says that too (cue laugh track) :laugh:

Offline FeelNoPain

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We have 10s of millions of illegal invading aliens, and the Dems are dumb enough to believe that is NOT a crisis.  I can't wait until the 2020 elections, because what they are doing is giving Trump enough ammo to bury them all.  2020 will be a huge defeat for the Democommies, who do not represent the USA citizens, and their efforts now scream betrayal.

The GOP doesn't think its a crisis either; if they did, wouldn't they have addressed it in 2017 when they controlled the House and Senate? Isn't such a "crisis" more urgent than passing tax reform that mainly benefits their donor class?

This is all a show, as that same donor class, whom these senators and congressmen are beholden to, don't want their source of cheap labor to be disrupted. I'll believe that they are serious when I see legislation calling for imprisoning those CEOS, executives, HR people and owners who hire illegals. I see a copious amount of vilification of broke-ass brown people, where is the similar sentiment toward the wealthy Americans who give them the incentive to come to the United States and the means to stay here? Where is the clamor to do something substantive about these people who break the law by hiring illegals?

People like those at Trump's Bedminster golf club.
"I’d like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the United States Capitol. Like all Americans I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem...

To demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol: you have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction: you do not represent our country. And to those who broke the law: you will pay." - President Donald J. Trump, January 7th, 2021

Offline Applewood

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The GOP doesn't think its a crisis either; if they did, wouldn't they have addressed it in 2017 when they controlled the House and Senate? Isn't such a "crisis" more urgent than passing tax reform that mainly benefits their donor class?

This is all a show, as that same donor class, whom these senators and congressmen are beholden to, don't want their source of cheap labor to be disrupted. I'll believe that they are serious when I see legislation calling for imprisoning those CEOS, executives, HR people and owners who hire illegals. I see a copious amount of vilification of broke-ass brown people, where is the similar sentiment toward the wealthy Americans who give them the incentive to come to the United States and the means to stay here? Where is the clamor to do something substantive about these people who break the law by hiring illegals?

People like those at Trump's Bedminster golf club.

Exactly.  When it comes right down to it, neither party, including Trump, really wants to fix the problem.    For Trump  this is yet more entertainment for fans of his reality tv presidency.

Offline XenaLee

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The GOP doesn't think its a crisis either; if they did, wouldn't they have addressed it in 2017 when they controlled the House and Senate? Isn't such a "crisis" more urgent than passing tax reform that mainly benefits their donor class?

This is all a show, as that same donor class, whom these senators and congressmen are beholden to, don't want their source of cheap labor to be disrupted. I'll believe that they are serious when I see legislation calling for imprisoning those CEOS, executives, HR people and owners who hire illegals. I see a copious amount of vilification of broke-ass brown people, where is the similar sentiment toward the wealthy Americans who give them the incentive to come to the United States and the means to stay here? Where is the clamor to do something substantive about these people who break the law by hiring illegals?

People like those at Trump's Bedminster golf club.

And.... where is the specific legislation preventing ANY and all illegal residents in the US from receiving any form of welfare or taxpayer-funded freebies... much less free healthcare (like from states like California and New York).   I don't see any such legislation presented.  Wonder why.  (sarc)

As long as they can come here and get free stuff, drop babies and have an anchor here... they will continue to come... even without the prospect of jobs.
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.