Author Topic: Trump before his Oval Office address: This speech won't 'change a damn thing'  (Read 4316 times)

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Offline aligncare

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Good point.   But I can't help the 'dreamin'.

I so want Trump to stick it to the rats.... at least verbally....

some day.  (sigh)

So, now we’re saying Trump isn’t crude and caustic enough? Hmm, interesting take.

Offline XenaLee

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Oh come on, the media not only knows what's been said behind closed doors, they actually can read peoples' minds and discern their true motivations. It's really quite a gift that God has bestowed only upon leftists.

Yeah.... the lefties have a really good imagination.   But not from God.  More likely it comes from all that dope, LSD and mushrooms they imbibed back in the
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So, now we’re saying Trump isn’t crude and caustic enough? Hmm, interesting take.

He can verbally stick it to the rats without being crude and caustic.  Or... are you saying that he's not capable of that...?
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You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline txradioguy

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He can verbally stick it to the rats without being crude and caustic.  Or... are you saying that he's not capable of that...?

@XenaLee nah AC is just trying tor a "gotcha" moment with you.
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Offline edpc

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Tone was the key element last night. For the millions that have only seen the combative Trump, this was a departure from what they have been slammed with for the past 3 years.

They were expecting him to do this......

I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline XenaLee

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@XenaLee nah AC is just trying tor a "gotcha" moment with you.

And notice....

he didn't get it.    :laugh:
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Offline txradioguy

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And notice....

he didn't get it.    :laugh:

Saw that.  Well played.  :beer:
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline Cyber Liberty

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The best part of his speech was not in the speech but after it.

Watching these two clowns was the pay off

When I saw those two speaking, I kept waiting for the alleged female on our right to say "That's right!"  and "Mmm-hmm!"  They reminded me of Diamond and Silk.  The Speaker of the House has far more seniority than the Senate Minority Leader, and should have been the one doing most of the talking.

To the point of the thread:  I don't think that speech moved the football one inch in either direction.  The only reason the broadcast nets carried it was in anticipation of some major policy event, like declaring a national emergency.  Didn't happen, and he'll have a more difficult time getting coverage for future addresses.
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Offline verga

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The best part of his speech was not in the speech but after it.

Watching these two clowns was the pay off
The way her mouth and head are tilted, it looks like she recently had a TIA (mini stroke) 
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The way her mouth and head are tilted, it looks like she recently had a TIA (mini stroke)

My grandmother used to have that same look after years of being prescribed Valium
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Online mountaineer

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The way her mouth and head are tilted, it looks like she recently had a TIA (mini stroke)
Dementia Nan? Say it ain't so?

Offline Emjay

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The speech was surely lacking...I don't know who wrote it for you but they sure failed.

You had the bully pulpit last night and you should have taken advantage of it with visuals..Show Nancy and Chuckie saying in years past that we need a the innocent victims killed by these one thought to do any of this......sheeeesh!....8mins just wasn't enough.

I disagree, Mystery.  Trump was making a last ditch effort to explain to the nation why the wall is important and how dangerous unlimited immigration is.  I think he laid out the facts pretty well.

He was not trying to reach you and me.  We already know these things.

Before he takes a next step, if he decides it is necessary, he wants to be sure that all other bases are covered and, if possible, get the whole country behind him.

Most of the country is already on board with whatever measures it takes to stop illegals.  Even Pelosi and Chuck You Schumer were for it before it became a Trump issue.

The dems have dug in their heels on this, not because they care about America, but because they know that if Trump wins on this issue, it will seal his popularity and probably assure a Trump victory in 2020.

Anyone who expected Trump to declare a state of emergency in his speech last night  was not thinking clearly.  He may have been setting the stage for such a declaration.
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Offline Emjay

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Your instincts are dead on Bigun. A presidential address is not the time to go all Ross Perot with charts and’s a time to appear calm, rational, and concerned for the nation. Trump hit all those notes about right. It might be less satisfying than playing recordings of Dems advocating for a wall just a few years back...but venue and tone matter more right now in terms of winning the public debate. Likewise, is an overtly emotional address might have come off as either artifice or as adamant partisanship....instead...the President was “Predidential”. Which is precisely what was needed.

Totally agree @Bigun @Mesaclone   Not sure what people expected but this was the right speech at the right time.
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Offline edpc

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Not sure what people expected but this was the right speech at the right time.

Yeah, I’m not sure why they may have different expectations.

I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline libertybele

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The way her mouth and head are tilted, it looks like she recently had a TIA (mini stroke)

Perhaps it was just a bad camera angle, but as for the TIA's; I think she's probably had several.
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