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Trump's Midterm Paper~What's your Grade?

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--- Quote from: InHeavenThereIsNoBeer on January 09, 2019, 05:35:26 am ---I didn't vote for him, and I gave him a B.

He proved me wrong.  I thought he'd use his "pen and phone" and push for more and more power to be transferred to the executive branch.  That was perhaps my worst fear.  But, after a few initial missteps, I'm amazed to say this guy is probably the POTUS who has most respected the power of congress (to completely and utterly fail) to do their job in my lifetime.

I'd give Paul Ryan an F, if @corbe had the stones to post an equivalent poll.

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I would not be so sure that Trump does not intend to take on more executive power to himself.  He seems to have a great admiration for dictators like Putin and Kim and he has on occasion expressed a desire to do things of a constitutionally questionable nature like suppress the press.  So far, he hasn't acted on his ideas in that regard, but he may still try. 

And I think most of us are/were already aware that congress under Republican control was a massive failure.  We didn't need Trump to demonstrate it. But in doing so, Trump also highlighted his own failures.  In the last two years I did not see him making much of an effort to work with  a Republican controlled congress to accomplish immigration reform and the rest of the promises he and they made.  From the beginning of his presidency, all he did was bitch and moan about his own party and essentially goof off.  Now that Republicans have lost the House -- making it just about impossible to get things done -- he is pushing for this wall.  Where was he since 2016? 

I'm sorry, but in my mind I cannot separate the abysmal failures of congress from those of this president.  To me they are inextricably linked.    They all get a failing grade from me.

I gave him a "B",  for the good things he's done for the economy (corporate tax cuts, tax and regulatory reform,  common sense regarding ObamaCare) and for standing up for ordinary Americans.    I still won't support him for the 2020 nomination because these good things need to be preserved and continued,  and Trump, if re-nominated, is going to have his clock cleaned.   


--- Quote from: corbe on January 09, 2019, 02:13:04 am ---    In less than 2 weeks, 1/20, President Trump has been in Office for 2 Years.
    I'm certain that a few of you have already formed an opinion of what's transpired and are not in anyway BIAS. 
    All I'm asking is that you give him a fair and honest Grade.

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What grade did/do you give him?


--- Quote from: Applewood on January 09, 2019, 03:36:07 am ---Did not vote for Trump, but I had hopes he would prove me wrong and do some amazing things.

Well, he proved me wrong all right.  His presidency is worse than I could ever have imagined.  Actually, there is no presidency -- just one long phony-baloney reality tv show. 

I'd give Trump an F, but that's not an option in this poll (bread, circuses and free weed doesn't cover my opinion).

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And yet.... the economy is booming.   Taxes and fuel costs are down.  Employment/jobs are up.  Spending is, likewise and accordingly, up.  Which means more money going into the coffers (general fund) for spending items like the military and national defense.   With all due respect.....

how, exactly, would that equate to an "F" or lower in your alternate reality universe? 


--- Quote from: XenaLee on January 09, 2019, 02:26:51 pm ---And yet.... the economy is booming.   Taxes and fuel costs are down.  Employment/jobs are up.  Spending is, likewise and accordingly, up.  Which means more money going into the coffers (general fund) for spending items like the military and national defense.   With all due respect.....

how, exactly, would that equate to an "F" or lower in your alternate reality universe?

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Even the most ardent never-Trumper, it seems to me, has to acknowledge that good things he has done for the economy.   


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