Author Topic: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8  (Read 10407 times)

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Online corbe

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #100 on: January 09, 2019, 04:31:25 am »
  It's obvious that you play 48 dimension chess also @the_doc
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #101 on: January 09, 2019, 04:32:26 am »
It was the best of speeches. It was the worst of speeches. It was the age of a border wall. It was the age of making everyone in the world US citizens. It was the season of Trump. It was the season of two embalmed Rats. We had MAGA before us. We had Occasional-Coffeetable before us.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #102 on: January 09, 2019, 04:38:58 am »
Me either...says the same thing everyday to the press.. :shrug:

I know this is hard to believe @mystery-ak but there really are millions of Americans who don't spend 24/7 looking for every quote and tweet from the President.  And since many of these same people no longer watch the "news" shows, this was a good opportunity to hear directly from the President, succinctly, rationally with a very good mix of compassion and strength.

This is one more step toward the wall.  Tomorrow's meeting is another and Thursday's trip to Texas is a third.

BTW, did I miss Pelsoi or Schumer repeating the "not one dime for the wall" bullshit tonight?   :smokin:

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #103 on: January 09, 2019, 04:39:21 am »

I'm delighted he mentioned Chuck and Nancy were up next.  I wouldn't want one voter to have missed that show.   :silly:

I agree--for the reasons I presented in my post, above.  Trump was playing nice--sort of--but he knew that their politically rigid playbook is vacuous nonsense.  He wanted America to get a little hint that he's not worried about their asinine response.

The idea of "up next" is Trump's way of framing the news program as a debate--a debate that he plans to win going away by forcing the Dems to show their polemical cards at the wrong time and in the wrong way.  This is just the first round, I think.

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #104 on: January 09, 2019, 04:42:09 am »

I agree--for the reasons I presented in my post, above.  Trump was playing nice--sort of--but he knew that their politically rigid playbook is vacuous nonsense.  He wanted America to get a little hint that he's not worried about their asinine response.

The idea of "up next" is Trump's way of framing the news program as a debate--a debate that he plans to win going away by forcing the Dems to show their polemical cards at the wrong time and in the wrong way.  This is just the first round, I think.

I don't know how, but I missed your post ... and I agree @the_doc   :beer:

Online corbe

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #105 on: January 09, 2019, 04:58:19 am »
   I just caught the rerun on YouTube, I think his hair looked great.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline Victoria33

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #106 on: January 09, 2019, 05:00:01 am »
No government in the 6,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Corbe, That is a fine statement; here it is larger:
No government in the 6,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

That is a true statement.  If you want to remain free, have control of your life, learn the history of what happens to "X" country when they do "Y".  When one reads the history of nations, we see why they finally fell.  The Roman Empire fell when they conquered so many countries, they couldn't keep up with the demands of the people and keep control of that many countries, so they went down.  The British Empire did the same thing - conquered too many countries - spread out too thin with not enough English military to keep order in the countries, so they went down.

Countries with dictators went down as citizens finally revolted and took down the dictator. Closer to our time, The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics went down when communism failed; the people revolted due to not enough food, not enough heat to keep them warm and not enough clothes for the cold winters. The individual countries split off to provide for their own citizens. Russia with Putin is a danger; he is like a dictator now.

In reality, every person is his/her own country.  One must provide for him/herself, not depend on anyone else to provide for him/her.  Your country is your house, your backyard, and you are the "President for Life" of your country. You control your country.  Make your country what you want it to be; protect it and supply it with your needs.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2019, 05:12:36 am by Victoria33 »

Offline the_doc

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #107 on: January 09, 2019, 05:00:07 am »
I don't know how, but I missed your post ... and I agree @the_doc   :beer:

Yeah, it was my post #98.  This thread is moving fast.

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #108 on: January 09, 2019, 07:37:04 am »
Chuck and Nancy look small.

@The Ghost

They both look like advertisements for an embalming service.

BTW,I would LOVE to see someone ask Chuckie if Israel needs a wall.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #109 on: January 09, 2019, 09:35:49 am »
Buddy tweeted him that we thought his speech was about 60-70% what it needed to be. That he NEEDS to b*tch-slap the traitorous liberal idiots awake with starkly vivid, even harsh descriptions of the horrific evil deeds of the cabal shills etc.

I think he and Congress need to hear from millions telling hims something similar. Quit with the rabbit fur lined kid gloves already yet.

Those inclined to curl up in a catatonic ball will do so no matter how gently you tell them the truth.

WE MUST HAVE THE FOUNDATION CLEARED, CLEANED and start building again on a thorough description of true reality--of THE TRUTH about the evil doers; evil deeds etc. etc. else we are just shadow-boxing and too vulnerable to tolerate the same carp again.

@Frank Cannon

Maybe the speech was a rope-a-dope. 

Our POTUS said we have a serious crisis, but as everyone on our side noticed, he gave very little data supporting that position even though he certainly could have.  Trump appears to be thereby dangling a seemingly lovely opportunity for the Dems to flatly deny the fact of the crisis--e.g., saying "It's all manufactured!."  Heck, that's their entire playbook.  They have to stick to it and hope against hope that doubling down on their lies will somehow win the debate (especially if they yell louder and louder).   

I am guessing that the idiot Dems are  pretty relieved right now, considering the fact that Trump's speech was so low-key.  The Dems will likely be delighted to go loudly and clearly on record that Nasty Old Trump is lying about the "crisis."  (After all, he didn't even try to make a strong case, did he?  It would appear that he has no very high cards in his hand--right?)

Ah, but if President Trump has some way of getting air time again--and I am willing to bet that he does!--he will be able publicly to eat the Dems alive with lots and lots of verified data and mind-blowing video footage.  (Hopefully, the latest Central American caravan will be here soon.)  This next speech, way over eight minutes in length (!), would be the best way to show that the Dems and the MSM are over-the-top liars.  They will have taken their best shot, but it will be demonstrably devoid of all of the important FACTS.  By rebutting the rebuttals, there will be no further effective rebuttals possible for the Dems.  The Dems will have already shot their wad in their attack.  Trump's rhetorical counterattack could sarcastically thank them for having opened up the issues of the facts on the border and in our homeland, thanking them for focusing our electorate's attention on cold, hard facts--the FACTS that TRUMP WILL REVEAL OVER AND AGAINST THE FAKE NEWS THAT PEOPLE HAVE BEEN GETTING. 

If Trump is playing everything this way, his opening speech tonight was merely designed to open the discussion, not to end it--not to win the debate with a first round knock-out.  The speech was good enough to pique the curiosity of the hoi polloi over the next several days, and it did have some gems that rang true even in the foul souls of the political reprobates who will try to attack him as a phony.  Most important of all, however, Trump will have set up ominous momentum for himself and will wind up having essentially the last word in the debate--which is always a good thing.  By securing the dramatic final position in the debate, luring the Dems into presenting their "Just Smear Trump" position, he will have turned the tables on the Dems.  In fact, I assume that Trump can and probably will unleash his most ferocious and unanswerable accusations against the Dems and MSM while he is schooling the American public on how bad the mess is IN SPITE OF WHAT THE LYING, SOCIALIST CROOKS HAVE BEEN TELLING THEM.

This rope-a-dope strategy, with Trump posing as having only a nice-sounding but fairly calm, soft argument, will focus many political numbskulls' attention on the real villains in the overall fracas--i.e., the Radical Socialists who are trying to destroy our country by their sheer hypocrisy, by their fake and outrageously un-American "compassion' for the tired and poor over and against America's necessary sovereignty and necessary national security.  The will see that the facts of the dangerous border mess are on Trump's side.  All but the craziest admirers of the Socialist crooks will notice that the Dems have no facts.  Many patriotic but confused, misinformed, foolish Democrat voters will finally connect the dots to see that their political heroes don't just hate Trump:  they are power-mad Socialist elitists who hate America itself and who are just using their Democratic Party base as a huge mob of useful idiots.


Finally, it occurs to me that the reason why Trump did not declare an emergency during this speech might be that he is going to do it in the next speech--forcing himself onto the air again in a crushing counterattack against the Dems and the MSM.  He might even use the Emergency Alert System to stellar advantage for this move.  (He might even use the occasion of the border wall discussion to telegraph his intentions to marshal federal forces against voting fraudsters and even sanctuary city/state crooks--opening sealed grand jury indictments, for example.  This would jolt a lot of folks into considering the possibility that our unsecured border and our sanctuary cities and our horrible mess of voting fraud really do frame a major conspiracy to take down America--i.e., a real emergency.)

Remember:  The DHS has not made its final report on the problem of voting fraud.  (I certainly haven't seen it, at least.)

Why do I think Trump might be playing it all this way?  I dunno.  I suppose that it's because this is the way I would play it if I were him.  (Gee, I hope he's as shrewd as I am. tri22
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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #110 on: January 09, 2019, 11:21:06 am »
And since many of these same people no longer watch the "news" shows, this was a good opportunity to hear directly from the President his speech writers, succinctly, rationally with a very good mix of compassion and strength.

It was a boring immigration bedtime story and he was bored. That was evident.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #111 on: January 09, 2019, 11:32:05 am »
Chuck and Nancy did look ridiculous.

Offline XenaLee

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #112 on: January 09, 2019, 12:29:39 pm »
@Frank Cannon

Maybe the speech was a rope-a-dope. 

Our POTUS said we have a serious crisis, but as everyone on our side noticed, he gave very little data supporting that position even though he certainly could have.  Trump appears to be thereby dangling a seemingly lovely opportunity for the Dems to flatly deny the fact of the crisis--e.g., saying "It's all manufactured!."  Heck, that's their entire playbook.  They have to stick to it and hope against hope that doubling down on their lies will somehow win the debate (especially if they yell louder and louder).   

I am guessing that the idiot Dems are  pretty relieved right now, considering the fact that Trump's speech was so low-key. The Dems will likely be delighted to go loudly and clearly on record that Nasty Old Trump is lying about the "crisis."  (After all, he didn't even try to make a strong case, did he?  It would appear that he has no very high cards in his hand--right?)

Ah, but if President Trump has some way of getting air time again--and I am willing to bet that he does!--he will be able publicly to eat the Dems alive with lots and lots of verified data and mind-blowing video footage.  (Hopefully, the latest Central American caravan will be here soon.)  This next speech, way over eight minutes in length (!), would be the best way to show that the Dems and the MSM are over-the-top liars.  They will have taken their best shot, but it will be demonstrably devoid of all of the important FACTS.  By rebutting the rebuttals, there will be no further effective rebuttals possible for the Dems.  The Dems will have already shot their wad in their attack.  Trump's rhetorical counterattack could sarcastically thank them for having opened up the issues of the facts on the border and in our homeland, thanking them for focusing our electorate's attention on cold, hard facts--the FACTS that TRUMP WILL REVEAL OVER AND AGAINST THE FAKE NEWS THAT PEOPLE HAVE BEEN GETTING. 

If Trump is playing everything this way, his opening speech tonight was merely designed to open the discussion, not to end it--not to win the debate with a first round knock-out.  The speech was good enough to pique the curiosity of the hoi polloi over the next several days, and it did have some gems that rang true even in the foul souls of the political reprobates who will try to attack him as a phony.  Most important of all, however, Trump will have set up ominous momentum for himself and will wind up having essentially the last word in the debate--which is always a good thing.  By securing the dramatic final position in the debate, luring the Dems into presenting their "Just Smear Trump" position, he will have turned the tables on the Dems.  In fact, I assume that Trump can and probably will unleash his most ferocious and unanswerable accusations against the Dems and MSM while he is schooling the American public on how bad the mess is IN SPITE OF WHAT THE LYING, SOCIALIST CROOKS HAVE BEEN TELLING THEM.

This rope-a-dope strategy, with Trump posing as having only a nice-sounding but fairly calm, soft argument, will focus many political numbskulls' attention on the real villains in the overall fracas--i.e., the Radical Socialists who are trying to destroy our country by their sheer hypocrisy, by their fake and outrageously un-American "compassion' for the tired and poor over and against America's necessary sovereignty and necessary national security.  The will see that the facts of the dangerous border mess are on Trump's side.  All but the craziest admirers of the Socialist crooks will notice that the Dems have no facts.  Many patriotic but confused, misinformed, foolish Democrat voters will finally connect the dots to see that their political heroes don't just hate Trump:  they are power-mad Socialist elitists who hate America itself and who are just using their Democratic Party base as a huge mob of useful idiots.


Finally, it occurs to me that the reason why Trump did not declare an emergency during this speech might be that he is going to do it in the next speech--forcing himself onto the air again in a crushing counterattack against the Dems and the MSM.  He might even use the Emergency Alert System to stellar advantage for this move.  (He might even use the occasion of the border wall discussion to telegraph his intentions to marshal federal forces against voting fraudsters and even sanctuary city/state crooks--opening sealed grand jury indictments, for example.  This would jolt a lot of folks into considering the possibility that our unsecured border and our sanctuary cities and our horrible mess of voting fraud really do frame a major conspiracy to take down America--i.e., a real emergency.)

Remember:  The DHS has not made its final report on the problem of voting fraud.  (I certainly haven't seen it, at least.)

Why do I think Trump might be playing it all this way?  I dunno.  I suppose that it's because this is the way I would play it if I were him.  (Gee, I hope he's as shrewd as I am. tri22)

All those words.... just to say his speech was.... underwhelming?  lol
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You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #113 on: January 09, 2019, 02:51:28 pm »

Corbe, That is a fine statement; here it is larger:
No government in the 6,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

That is a true statement.  If you want to remain free, have control of your life, learn the history of what happens to "X" country when they do "Y".  When one reads the history of nations, we see why they finally fell.  The Roman Empire fell when they conquered so many countries, they couldn't keep up with the demands of the people and keep control of that many countries, so they went down.  The British Empire did the same thing - conquered too many countries - spread out too thin with not enough English military to keep order in the countries, so they went down.

Countries with dictators went down as citizens finally revolted and took down the dictator. Closer to our time, The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics went down when communism failed; the people revolted due to not enough food, not enough heat to keep them warm and not enough clothes for the cold winters. The individual countries split off to provide for their own citizens. Russia with Putin is a danger; he is like a dictator now.

In reality, every person is his/her own country.  One must provide for him/herself, not depend on anyone else to provide for him/her.  Your country is your house, your backyard, and you are the "President for Life" of your country. You control your country.  Make your country what you want it to be; protect it and supply it with your needs.

Gibbons Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire should be mandatory reading for every student in high school to graduate or get a GED.
G-d bless America. G-d bless us all                                 

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #114 on: January 09, 2019, 04:44:41 pm »

All those words.... just to say his speech was.... underwhelming?  lol

That's a pretty good summary.  [LOL]

Actually, I used all of those words just to reassure TBR folks that Trump is probably smarter than all of the conservatives who are complaining in pretty bitter disappointment about his speech.  Trump is adept at turning the tables on his opponents.  As an example of that, Jerome Corsi has repeatedly pointed out that Trump always wins right after it looks like he is losing.  I'll bet it's all in Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Our POTUS is devious.  And he understands the dynamics of a knock-down-drag-out fight.  And yeah, I would have given a pretty soft speech at this juncture.  It sets the stage for the real fight to come--when he DEFIES the CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. 

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #115 on: January 09, 2019, 04:53:09 pm »

That's a pretty good summary.  [LOL]

Actually, I used all of those words just to reassure TBR folks that Trump is probably smarter than all of the conservatives who are complaining in pretty bitter disappointment about his speech.  Trump is adept at turning the tables on his opponents.  As an example of that, Jerome Corsi has repeatedly pointed out that Trump always wins right after it looks like he is losing.  I'll bet it's all in Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Our POTUS is devious.  And he understands the dynamics of a knock-down-drag-out fight.  And yeah, I would have given a pretty soft speech at this juncture.  It sets the stage for the real fight to come--when he DEFIES the CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES.

Well... call me impatient... but....

I want to see that defiance (like.. yesterday/last year).    happy77

I've learned to take what I can get when it comes to politics (GOP Congress ssdd failures)....

so I'll wait a little longer.
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #116 on: January 09, 2019, 06:23:53 pm »
@Quix @Sanguine

Buddy tweeted him that we thought his speech was about 60-70% what it needed to be. That he NEEDS to b*tch-slap the traitorous liberal idiots awake with starkly vivid, even harsh descriptions of the horrific evil deeds of the cabal shills etc.

I think he and Congress need to hear from millions telling hims something similar. Quit with the rabbit fur lined kid gloves already yet.

Those inclined to curl up in a catatonic ball will do so no matter how gently you tell them the truth.

WE MUST HAVE THE FOUNDATION CLEARED, CLEANED and start building again on a thorough description of true reality--of THE TRUTH about the evil doers; evil deeds etc. etc. else we are just shadow-boxing and too vulnerable to tolerate the same carp again.

I agree with this.  I just think Trump already knows it all and knew it all when he prepped his speech. 

I believe that the contrast between a fur-gloved approach and the hard-nosed emergency confrontation that I expect to see pretty soon from Trump will make that follow-up confrontation all the more explosive.  We need for many of the catatonic folks to be blown awake by the very realization that they had run away from the Truth to find a warm, comfy spot to nap.

Trump expects his supporters to be patient in this strange mess.  (Yeah, he stretches our patience pretty often, because he often has to do so).  Remember:  He telegraphed his intentions much earlier this year that he was going to use the Corps of Engineers to build the wall, but he couldn't do it immediately, because such a pathway is a political and legal mine field.  My point is that Trump has never really wavered in his intentions concerning the construction of the wall by the military even when he has appeared to waver in some ways for purposes of political and legal due diligence.  (Heck, he has never even wavered in his plan to arrest HRC.  He was flat-out lying when he said on Inauguration Day, 2016, that the Clintons had already suffered enough.)

When Trump opted for the government shutdown, he knew as well as you and I did that the Dems would NEVER budge under the pressure of the shutdown.  He was merely using the shutdown to get the American people sufficiently agitated (at the lying Progressives!) to set up his own foreordained scenario of using the Corps of Engineers and non-earmarked federal funds to build the wall over the objections of Congress. The lovely government shutdown was just a gift from the stupid Dems and the MSM.  It has made the whole subject of the wall downright incendiary, and Trump will turn it into a flamethrower against the Progressives.  (Remember this:  The border wall controversy is just part of the much larger War Against the Deep State.  The War is a war against the demonic lying/corruption of the Dems and the MSM--who obviously don't mind if we turn America into another s__hole country.  This reality is starting to come out--big time.) 

In short, Trump is using the unwilling MSM as theater in the play that he has scripted.  The denouement will be happening soon.  It's always in the dramatic final act.  Everything in a good drama is just a lead-up to the end.  (The heartwarming stuff in Act I has already been said and it will support the appalling [not especially heartwarming] ferocity of the final act.)


You may conclude from this that Buddy's tweet was not necessary to shape Trump's plan.  Trump will gladly receive impatient tweets such as Buddy's because it will encourage a groundswell of support for the fiercely Trumpean confrontation that Trump is surely already planning against our un-American traitors.  (Trump has enough self-confidence to laugh at supporters who think he's a bungler at this time.  Trump lives for winning even as he lets himself look like he's losing.) 
« Last Edit: January 09, 2019, 06:40:13 pm by the_doc »

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #117 on: January 09, 2019, 06:50:35 pm »
@Amb. Frank Cannon
It was the best of speeches. It was the worst of speeches. It was the age of a border wall. It was the age of making everyone in the world US citizens. It was the season of Trump. It was the season of two embalmed Rats. We had MAGA before us. We had Occasional-Coffeetable before us.

What in the dickens are you saying, Frank?

(Read my more conspicuously optimistic posts on this thread, buddy.) 

Online Wingnut

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #118 on: January 09, 2019, 07:05:57 pm »
@Amb. Frank Cannon
What in the dickens are you saying, Frank?


He is a little dickens... isn't he.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #119 on: January 09, 2019, 07:41:06 pm »

He is a little dickens... isn't he.

LOL. Top Notch!

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #120 on: January 09, 2019, 07:41:43 pm »
@Amb. Frank Cannon
What in the dickens are you saying, Frank?

(Read my more conspicuously optimistic posts on this thread, buddy.)

Top Notch.

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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #121 on: January 10, 2019, 12:53:54 pm »
Well... call me impatient... but....

I want to see that defiance (like.. yesterday/last year).    happy77

I've learned to take what I can get when it comes to politics (GOP Congress ssdd failures)....

so I'll wait a little longer.

Agreed. thanks.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: **LIVE STICKY** Trump's Prime-Time Address to the Nation 1/8
« Reply #122 on: January 10, 2019, 12:55:58 pm »
Doc, I think your points are good ones in your posts on this. Thanks.

@Quix @Sanguine

I agree with this.  I just think Trump already knows it all and knew it all when he prepped his speech. 

I believe that the contrast between a fur-gloved approach and the hard-nosed emergency confrontation that I expect to see pretty soon from Trump will make that follow-up confrontation all the more explosive.  We need for many of the catatonic folks to be blown awake by the very realization that they had run away from the Truth to find a warm, comfy spot to nap.

Trump expects his supporters to be patient in this strange mess.  (Yeah, he stretches our patience pretty often, because he often has to do so).  Remember:  He telegraphed his intentions much earlier this year that he was going to use the Corps of Engineers to build the wall, but he couldn't do it immediately, because such a pathway is a political and legal mine field.  My point is that Trump has never really wavered in his intentions concerning the construction of the wall by the military even when he has appeared to waver in some ways for purposes of political and legal due diligence.  (Heck, he has never even wavered in his plan to arrest HRC.  He was flat-out lying when he said on Inauguration Day, 2016, that the Clintons had already suffered enough.)

When Trump opted for the government shutdown, he knew as well as you and I did that the Dems would NEVER budge under the pressure of the shutdown.  He was merely using the shutdown to get the American people sufficiently agitated (at the lying Progressives!) to set up his own foreordained scenario of using the Corps of Engineers and non-earmarked federal funds to build the wall over the objections of Congress. The lovely government shutdown was just a gift from the stupid Dems and the MSM.  It has made the whole subject of the wall downright incendiary, and Trump will turn it into a flamethrower against the Progressives.  (Remember this:  The border wall controversy is just part of the much larger War Against the Deep State.  The War is a war against the demonic lying/corruption of the Dems and the MSM--who obviously don't mind if we turn America into another s__hole country.  This reality is starting to come out--big time.) 

In short, Trump is using the unwilling MSM as theater in the play that he has scripted.  The denouement will be happening soon.  It's always in the dramatic final act.  Everything in a good drama is just a lead-up to the end.  (The heartwarming stuff in Act I has already been said and it will support the appalling [not especially heartwarming] ferocity of the final act.)


You may conclude from this that Buddy's tweet was not necessary to shape Trump's plan.  Trump will gladly receive impatient tweets such as Buddy's because it will encourage a groundswell of support for the fiercely Trumpean confrontation that Trump is surely already planning against our un-American traitors.  (Trump has enough self-confidence to laugh at supporters who think he's a bungler at this time.  Trump lives for winning even as he lets himself look like he's losing.) 
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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