Author Topic: Roy Moore was reportedly targeted by Dems in second ‘false flag’ operation in 2017 Alabama race  (Read 6104 times)

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Offline Bigun

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Roy Moore is a swamp upon himself. He's a piece of human debris that was caught in so many lies trying to bail himself out from the kiddie raper charge that no real person would vote for him for a 2 1/2 year gig.

Brad Byrne is probably going to win that GOP Primary and the election in 2 years. He has a record of not being a loud mouth piece of shit so if the Rats throw mud at him it will be far easier to wipe off.

@Amb. Frank Cannon

Sorry to have to break this to you but you are just plain FOS on this subject!

"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
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@Amb. Frank Cannon

Sorry to have to break this to you but you are just plain FOS on this subject!


Offline Emjay

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@Amb. Frank Cannon

Sorry to have to break this to you but you are just plain FOS on this subject!

I agree @Bigun  and you @Frank Cannon are being dick on this subject.
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Offline jpsb

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I'm not going to debate this further @Bigun   But he lost two attempts at the Governor's House, was thrown off the Supreme Court once and suspended another.  Believe it or not these are signs that Alabamans may enjoy his antics, but don't want him representing them or governing them.

He was a weak candidate.  Had he not been, Alabamans would have rallied around him.  They just didn't like him or want him enough to get past the skeevy charges.  The writing was on the wall for all to read before the charges even hit.

What the rats learned with Moore they tried on Kavanugh. They went 50/50 on lies and smears, I expect to see more of
the same from them. Shame on anyone that believed 40 year old allegations with zero credible evidence.

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Shame on anyone that believed 40 year old allegations with zero credible evidence.

That's right.

Offline Frank Cannon

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LOL. Glad the Roy Moore fan club is back in the saddle to try and salvage a reputation he couldn't even salvage in that disastrous Hannity interview.

BTW can any of you fine gentlemen tell me how Roy's phony baloney counter-suit is panning out? We're heading onto a year now when this was all started with nothing happening. 

Offline Frank Cannon

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I agree @Bigun  and you @Frank Cannon are being dick on this subject.

I may be a dick on the subject, but at least I'm using it on the over 18 crowd....unlike Roy.

Offline Frank Cannon

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What the rats learned with Moore they tried on Kavanugh. They went 50/50 on lies and smears, I expect to see more of
the same from them. Shame on anyone that believed 40 year old allegations with zero credible evidence.

Yeah, but it worked on Roy because he is a shitbag loudmouth. It didn't work on Kav because he was credible. As a matter of fact it totally backfired on Kav because he was credible. Compare the Hannity interview with Roy's "denials" with Kavs full throated straight up total denials. 

Online roamer_1

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LOL. Glad the Roy Moore fan club is back in the saddle to try and salvage a reputation he couldn't even salvage in that disastrous Hannity interview.

I don't need to defend Moore. Every allegation has not only been refuted, but proven to be damnable lies.

Offline EdJames

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I didn't follow the details in that recent Alabama Senate race, but I do know that Moore has always been a colorful character.


Offline Frank Cannon

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I don't need to defend Moore. Every allegation has not only been refuted, but proven to be damnable lies.

Then why has his court case been going nowhere to the point of being the next episode of Judge Judy? He is an expert among all experts in the judicial matters after all and AL isn't exactly the home of bleeding heart juris prudence.

Offline Emjay

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I may be a dick on the subject, but at least I'm using it on the over 18 crowd....unlike Roy.

There's something about a Roy Moore thread that brings out the total idiot in some people.
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Then why has his court case been going nowhere to the point of being the next episode of Judge Judy? He is an expert among all experts in the judicial matters after all and AL isn't exactly the home of bleeding heart juris prudence.

I don't know the status of his case, nor the resources stacked against him therein.
I do know that every single witness that matters has been found a liar, and point by point, the allegations against him proven false. And the superstructure behind those allegations has now been exposed.

Offline Frank Cannon

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I don't know the status of his case, nor the resources stacked against him therein.
I do know that every single witness that matters has been found a liar, and point by point, the allegations against him proven false. And the superstructure behind those allegations has now been exposed.

LOL. You say that yet you have no effing clue about the saga of the Roy Moore/Leigh Corfman et al lawsuit/counter lawsuit/counter lawsuit. It's a train wreck of total nonsense. This thing started in January with Corfman suing, not Roy. If Roy had a case this thing would have been in front of a jury and done already........but Roy keeps wanting to change venues, charges in the lawsuit, people in the lawsuit to keep it from getting to court. He's a full blown lying fraud and a creep. 

Offline Sighlass

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Ran into another interesting tidbit (from a liberal blogger at that)....


How could the Jill Stein and Doug Jones stories merge? Jill Simpson (retired attorney, opposition researcher, and whistle blower) provides insight in a recent post at Facebook. Writes Simpson:

    Some of the Stein folks showed up in Alabama to help Doug Jones with election machinery, and they had told us it would be better if republican Trump won in Wisconsin. We knew then Russian bots were on the way to probably help Jones, and we reported this to old press friends to watch closely. We have one family in America that has been funding these folks, and we and the feds know who it is, and their ties to Mother Russia involve money being made back to the early 1990s. That said, this bunch funded Stein to beat Hillary and to beat Moore. This is not about political parties, this is about one of America's richest families being in bed with Russians and certain politicians on both sides. It is huge. Stein was owned by this bunch, and it became apparent to us when we were in Wisconsin. The greens would be well advised to cut Stein and her Russian butt-kissing ass loose from the party.


Good grief... Now even the Greenies are part of taking Roy Moore down.
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Online Smokin Joe

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Ran into another interesting tidbit (from a liberal blogger at that)....


How could the Jill Stein and Doug Jones stories merge? Jill Simpson (retired attorney, opposition researcher, and whistle blower) provides insight in a recent post at Facebook. Writes Simpson:

    Some of the Stein folks showed up in Alabama to help Doug Jones with election machinery, and they had told us it would be better if republican Trump won in Wisconsin. We knew then Russian bots were on the way to probably help Jones, and we reported this to old press friends to watch closely. We have one family in America that has been funding these folks, and we and the feds know who it is, and their ties to Mother Russia involve money being made back to the early 1990s. That said, this bunch funded Stein to beat Hillary and to beat Moore. This is not about political parties, this is about one of America's richest families being in bed with Russians and certain politicians on both sides. It is huge. Stein was owned by this bunch, and it became apparent to us when we were in Wisconsin. The greens would be well advised to cut Stein and her Russian butt-kissing ass loose from the party.


Good grief... Now even the Greenies are part of taking Roy Moore down.
It was a Swamp thing. All the parties running scams had to stop the guy who would pull the curtain back, given the chance.
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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Offline Sighlass

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If Roy had a case this thing would have been in front of a jury and done already........but Roy keeps wanting to change venues, charges in the lawsuit, people in the lawsuit to keep it from getting to court. He's a full blown lying fraud and a creep. 

Proverbs 25:8 is what Roy is doing... there is a reason he left unnamed plaintiffs to be added later in his lawsuit, so the act of discovery can take place as evidence of these latest discoveries come forth. You don't rush something like this for a dang good reason... There is great wisdom (read the Bible verse) in taking time to put the pieces together, and in this case, there is a whole lot of pieces to puzzle from a lot of different factions. Yet there is still lots of pieces that need to be taped together... Roy is doing just fine at the speed he and his lawyers are progressing.


Here is the link to the first version of Moore's lawsuit, a good read. From what I understand this lawsuit has been revised and I don't have access to it (behind a paywall)...
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 09:19:27 am by Sighlass »
Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....

Offline jmyrlefuller

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I'm starting to get the impression that the Trump campaign was behind Doug Jones getting elected, judging solely by who's denigrating him now.
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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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I'm starting to get the impression that the Trump campaign was behind Doug Jones getting elected, judging solely by who's denigrating him now.

Apparently connecting dots is not in your wheelhouse.  The mantra at the time from the President and his supporters was do not lose the damn seat.

But you did it anyway.  :shrug:

Offline Bigun

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There's something about a Roy Moore thread that brings out the total idiot in some people.

Yep!  NO doubt about it!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Online Smokin Joe

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Apparently connecting dots is not in your wheelhouse.  The mantra at the time from the President and his supporters was do not lose the damn seat.

But you did it anyway.  :shrug:
With a lot of help from the GOPe who pulled support at the drop of an allegation.

Their very public willingness to back someone else if Moore would just step down pretty much polished the optic that there may be truth in the allegations, and doomed Moore's campaign. When they should have been backing Moore and looking for the truth, they bailed on him. The GOP lost that seat, because they wanted someone else in it besides Moore, and they don't have anyone but themselves to blame.

But then, with the last couple years of performance, no one accused the Country Club 'pubbies of being on Trump's team.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline jmyrlefuller

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Apparently connecting dots is not in your wheelhouse.  The mantra at the time from the President and his supporters was do not lose the damn seat.

But you did it anyway.  :shrug:
I thought it was "you should've chosen Luther Strange in the primary, now you're going to lose. But I'll halfheartedly try to keep the seat in the GOP column anyway."
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LOL. You say that yet you have no effing clue about the saga of the Roy Moore/Leigh Corfman et al lawsuit/counter lawsuit/counter lawsuit. It's a train wreck of total nonsense. This thing started in January with Corfman suing, not Roy. If Roy had a case this thing would have been in front of a jury and done already........but Roy keeps wanting to change venues, charges in the lawsuit, people in the lawsuit to keep it from getting to court. He's a full blown lying fraud and a creep.

NAH. I have been directly involved in a law suit much less complicated than this, and in that one discovery alone went longer than a year. The whole process was close to three. Speed of execution is no bellwether.

But speaking of a full blown lying creep, Tumpy the clown and Epstein Island. Hypocrisy so thick, you can cut it with a knife.  *****rollingeyes*****

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Offline Frank Cannon

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NAH. I have been directly involved in a law suit much less complicated than this, and in that one discovery alone went longer than a year. The whole process was close to three. Speed of execution is no bellwether.

But speaking of a full blown lying creep, Tumpy the clown and Epstein Island. Hypocrisy so thick, you can cut it with a knife.  *****rollingeyes*****

Yeah. I have called your bullshit on Moore and his phony lawsuit and all you have is some nonsense about Epstien.

This right here is why NT posts at this place should come with a laugh track.