Author Topic: 2019: 5 Places America Should Avoid Going to War  (Read 245 times)

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2019: 5 Places America Should Avoid Going to War
« on: January 03, 2019, 12:03:22 pm »

December 28, 2018

2019: 5 Places America Should Avoid Going to War

Korea, Taiwan, Syria and beyond.
by Daniel R. DePetris

2018 was a year of breakthrough diplomacy and proxy warfare, Trumpian chaos and unexpected U.S. military drawdowns. An American president and a North Korean dictator shook hands for the very first time since the Korean Peninsula was divided into two nations. American pilots released more munitions in Afghanistan this year than at any other time since the U.S. Air Force began collecting statistics in the country. And, in a remarkable 24-hour stretch in December, President Donald Trump ordered via tweet a complete pullout of the 2,000 U.S. ground troops from Syria.

If 2018 was a roller coaster, 2019 could be the year when the dollar-coaster breaks. International politics has a funny way of intruding into a president’s life and forcing policymakers in Washington to stumble around rapidly for a response. Some of the wars now ongoing are likely to continue while new ones could just as easily be sparked.