Author Topic: The Senate Must Fund the Border Wall with Budget Reconciliation  (Read 270 times)

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December 26, 2018
The Senate Must Fund the Border Wall with Budget Reconciliation
By Rovvy Lepor

President Trump’s central election promise to build the southern border wall seems about to slip out of reach, with Democrats vowing to oppose any funding of the border wall.  While the Democrats deserve a large share of the blame for this failure, if the Senate fails to use budget reconciliation to pass the $5.7 billion in border wall funding, it will be the fault of Republican Senate leadership.  Failure to build the border wall will likely have significant negative consequences for national security and will bode ill for Republican hopes for victory in 2020 elections.

For the past few weeks, President Trump and Republican leadership in the Senate have repeatedly almost snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in the fight for the border wall.  The Senate has not pushed using budget reconciliation to fund the border wall, allowing the time to fly by as the clock ticks down on Republican control over the House of Representatives.  This will be the last opportunity Republicans have of funding the border wall until at least 2021 (assuming Republicans control the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives).  As recently as December 18, it appeared that President Trump had agreed with Senate leadership to indefinitely push off border wall funding in favor of passing the remainder of the 2019 budget.

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