Author Topic: The left thumps the Bible to promote illegal immigration  (Read 274 times)

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The left thumps the Bible to promote illegal immigration
« on: December 22, 2018, 04:45:44 pm »

    The left thumps the Bible to promote illegal immigration

    Rep. Luis Gutierrez claims that President Trump's border wall would kill the baby Jesus. And the Pope suggests the innkeeper was some kind of unwelcoming bigot. Can we quit the baby Jesus politics?

    December 21, 2018
    By Monica Showalter

    The open-borders crowd is running out of arguments for unvetted, cartel-financed illegal immigration. Congresswoman-Elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has already hit bottom by bringing up Hitler. With Godwin's Law operative now, the debate is actually over.

    Leftists, however, don't take "no" for an answer, so now they're bringing up baby Jesus, which is quite a low blow, given that they're using the Savior, or God himself, as a means of promoting illegal immigration as a policy. Can you say "inappropriate"? A couple of instances stand out.

    Start with Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, an Illinois Democrat, who made a jackass of himself bringing up the baby Jesus to advocate on the House floor for illegal immigration, his opening remarks in a congressional hearing a combination of creepily nasty personal insults and Pecksniffian piety about Jesus. As if secularist Democrats actually liked the baby Jesus, whom they sure as heck don't like at abortion-funding time, or whenever a Nativity display is about to go up, but now, as the topic turns to illegal immigration, the topic is politically useful. Gutiérrez sneeringly made the claim that Trump's border wall would have killed the baby Jesus as the Holy Family fled into Egypt.