Author Topic: Unilaterally Cutting U.S. ICBMs Would Undermine Prospects for Arms Control  (Read 229 times)

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Unilaterally Cutting U.S. ICBMs Would Undermine Prospects for Arms Control
By Matthew R. Costlow
December 20, 2018

It is now fashionable among some in the defense community to question the need for the nuclear triad of submarines, bombers, and silo-based missiles. Critics have focused heavily on U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) most recently. Though by far the cheapest of the three legs to maintain,[1] former defense officials like Secretary of Defense William Perry and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. James Cartwright argue that U.S. ICBMs should be scrapped unilaterally – mostly due to their cost and “hair-trigger” alert status.[2] Others believe ICBMs are redundant and perhaps easily disabled.[3]

Setting aside for the moment the convincing cases made by analysts like professor Matthew Kroenig and Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Roger Burg for retaining the U.S. ICBM force,[4] this article will examine the self-defeating nature of unilaterally cutting U.S. ICBMs in the arena of nuclear arms control. In short, I argue that doing so would likely make future arms control agreements improbable and the U.S. less secure.