Briefing Room Polls (Guests Welcome!) > The Briefingroom Polls

Do you think 2019 will be a good year or a horrible one

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Just for fun. Do you think the new year, 2019, will be a good year, or a bad one? Or the same old repeat like this year?

Do you have any predictions for 2019?


I think Trunp will be forced out of office so it will be a very good year....

Tis the Season for Treason


--- Quote from: montanajoe on December 23, 2018, 05:09:30 am ---I think Trunp will be forced out of office so it will be a very good year....

--- End quote ---

Trump lives to create chaos every day; has done that all his life, so there will be chaos every day until he is gone, the sooner the better.  Can you say, "President Pence"?


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