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Opening Christmas Gifts


 :tree3:   7777sleigh   8888mistltoe  On Christmas Day of Course!!!  However, it all depends on what day family can get together.  Sometimes we celebrate Christmas on different days with different members of the family.

Christmas gets too complicated sometimes!


The little ones get to open one present on Christmas Eve.  It seems to tide them over until Christmas morning. 

Having Christmas today at my house....everyone wants Christmas Day at their own house

Anxious to see the little ones open presents.. 7777sleigh


--- Quote from: libertybele on December 22, 2018, 05:40:45 am --- On Christmas Day of Course!!!  However, it all depends on what day family can get together.  Sometimes we celebrate Christmas on different days with different members of the family. 
--- End quote ---

Agree!  Opening gifts on Christmas morning makes Christmas Eve almost unbearably exciting.  And then opening gifts again with other family members helps with the let down.   :laugh:   


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