Author Topic: The Russians have to be punished until they learn that Democrats are entitled to the Black vote  (Read 266 times)

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December 20, 2018
The Russians have to be punished until they learn that Democrats are entitled to the Black vote
By Jack Hellner

This week we are hearing the hyped-up story that the Russians used social platforms to influence black voters in the 2016 election. But reporters seemed to find no need to tell the public how much they spent. From what I can find, on Facebook, Google and Twitter Russia spent a massive $351,700 total in the 2016 election cycle, or less than ½ cent per voter. 

The Daily 202: Russian efforts to manipulate African Americans show sophistication of disinformation campaign

    A new report prepared for the Senate Intelligence Committee reveals that the Russians, in their bid to boost President Trump, have been more fixated than previously understood on trying to dampen African American political engagement.

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