Author Topic: Is Sergey Kislyak Central to the Set-Up of Michael Flynn?  (Read 551 times)

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Is Sergey Kislyak Central to the Set-Up of Michael Flynn?
« on: December 19, 2018, 02:08:25 am »
Is Sergey Kislyak Central to the Set-Up of Michael Flynn?
Julie Kelly

During an unhinged, fact-free meltdown on Fox News, anchor Shepard Smith wrongly accused Lt. General Michael Flynn of calling the Russians after sanctions against that country were announced in December 2016. “So the U.S. places sanctions on Russia, Michael Flynn calls Russia, Michael Flynn lies about calling Russia, and tells others to lie for him about calling Russia,” Smith ranted on Friday.

Aside from noting that the U.S. placed sanctions on Russia, Smith is flat-out wrong. The truth, according to the charging document filed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, is that Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak called Flynn on December 28, 2016, the very same day the sanctions were publicized. So as pundits—and a federal judge—take a closer look at the circumstances surrounding Flynn’s fateful January 2017 interview with the FBI, it’s important to take another step back in time and scrutinize the calls that landed Flynn in legal trouble.

Further, who is Sergey Kislyak? Why does he figure so prominently not just in the Flynn matter but also the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the framing of Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, and yet unsubstantiated accusations against Trump’ son-in-law Jared Kushner? His longtime ties to the Obama White House may offer some clues—and raise legitimate questions about whether Kislyak himself was a central player in the set-up of Michael Flynn.

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